Chapter 14 - The Chase

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Supreme Intelligence Temple, Hala, Capital of Kree Civilization - May 2025

Zogg-Larn climbed the steps towards Supreme Intelligence's Temple. He was hoping Supreme Intelligence wouldn't summon him so he could slip out with a new team to continue his hunt for James Buchanan Barnes unnoticed. But of course it was wishful thinking. Supreme Intelligence knew everything that was going on in Hala, maybe even the whole universe. He couldn't possibly escape his notice. So with dread in the pit of his stomach he entered the Temple.

He stepped onto the hexagonal shape on the floor, right in the middle of the temple. Soon blue worm-like light crawled out from the floor and connected to his fingers and temples. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again he saw Supreme Intelligence, in the form of his older self but his face looked in so much wrath.

Without saying anything Supreme Intelligence turned to him and raised both his hands. Bright blue electricity beam came crackling out of his hands and zapped Zogg-Larn, making him fell down in agony. His body felt like it was on fire.

"I told you Zogg-Larn, if you fail you will be punished." Supreme Intelligence said as he continued zapping him and walked closer to him. His eyes glowed bright blue, rage filled his expression.

After what felt like forever, Supreme Intelligence finally stopped zapping him, the bright blue electricity beam extinguished from his hands.

Zogg-Larn knelt on the floor on all fours as he said a silent prayer in his heart, thankful the pain was finally gone. He could still feel the remnants of the burning pain but it was slowly diminishing.

"How hard could it be Zogg-Larn to kill just one human? Huh?" Supreme Intelligence asked cynically.

"My apologies Supreme Intelligence. But he isn't a normal human. So.." he trailed.

He didn't have the chance to answer because Supreme Intelligence zapped him again.

"He is not a normal human but he is not stronger than you. Or perhaps you have gotten weaker, Zogg-Larn?" Supreme Intelligence sneered after finally stopped zapping him again.

Zogg-Larn didn't respond. He just looked down to the floor as he felt the remnants of the pain in his body.

"You are in luck today, Zogg-Larn. I am in somewhat a good mood today. So I won't kill you." Supreme Intelligence said.

Zogg-Larn looked up and saw Supreme Intelligence giving him a side smile. Whatever made Supreme Intelligence happy that day, he was so grateful for it.

"Thank you, Supreme Intelligence." He croaked.

"Yes, Zogg-Larn. It's almost done. The weapon of destruction. The Nega-Bomb. All it needs is just one more component. Then it's ready to be unleashed." Supreme Intelligence said, rubbing his hands together gleefully.

"But, it is none of your concern. You still have a crucial mission to follow through Zogg-Larn. I decided to give you another chance." Supreme Intelligence said.

"Oh, thank you Supreme Intelligence." Zogg-Larn said. He couldn't believe his luck. It was very rare for Supreme Intelligence to give second let alone third chances. The fact the Nega-Bomb was almost finished must have made him very happy.

Supreme Intelligence then turned his back on him and made a sweeping gesture with his hand in front of him. A scene from a forest seen from above was shown. Supreme Intelligence was apparently showing him the scene from earlier that day when he was chasing down James Buchanan Barnes and the female Torfan at Torfa's forest. The footage was taken from his ship's camera.

He continued to watch as James and the female ran in the forest, avoiding his shots.

"Do you see that woman, Zogg-Larn?" Supreme Intelligence asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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