Chapter 11 - The Duel

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Border of Lyra, Lyra, Torfa - May 2025

"Una! Una! I'm home!" Adriana froze as she heard Yon-Rogg's voice coming from the front door.

She turned to look at Yon-Rogg, her heart beating fast in her chest. She dreaded on what was going to happen next. Yon-Rogg's jaw was dropped and his eyes widened as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"You! Get away from her!" Yon-Rogg shouted as he pulled his sword out from the sheath on his waist and gave Bucky a killer stare.

"You stole her from me." Bucky said, his jaw clenched as he turned towards Yon-Rogg, his hands balled into fists.

Yon-Rogg approached them slowly while still raising his sword up.
"I saved her from you."

"Liar!" Bucky shouted.
"You took her from her home and kept her hostage!"

"I saved her from your conniving ways! I brought sense back into her! I saved her life!" Yon-Rogg shouted as he lifted his sword up and started to strike Bucky with it.

Bucky lifted a chair and blocked Yon-Rogg's sword and soon they started to fight.

"Stop! Stop it!" Adriana yelled but it was no use. Yon-Rogg kept on attacking Bucky with his sword while Bucky tried to block them using whatever item was near him. At one point he successfully held Yon-Rogg's hand, made him drop his sword and punched him in the face, startling Yon-Rogg. He quickly recovered and used the anti gravity device on his wrist and pointed it at Bucky. The device shot out a blue beam and engulfed Bucky's body completely. Yon-Rogg then moved his hand and threw Bucky across the room and sent Bucky flying towards the front door. The front door crashed open and Bucky fell back towards the street. Yon-Rogg ran towards him as Bucky stood up and soon their fight escalated on the street.

They continued throwing punches and kicks at one another. Being a super soldier Bucky seemingly had the upper hand. But Yon-Rogg was strong, he managed to block Bucky's attacks on him and threw back powerful punches and kicks at Bucky.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Adriana quickly picked up her spear and attacked both Yon-Rogg and Bucky, hitting them on multiple spots on their bodies, making them both fell kneeling on the ground. She stood between them, pointing the edges of her spear on their faces.

"Stop it! Right now!" She yelled.

For a moment both of them seemed to heed her request. Their hands hung limp by their sides as they stared at each other with anger in their eyes. But suddenly Yon-Rogg used the anti gravity device on his wrist, pointed it at Bucky and sent him flying across the street until he hit a door of one of the houses.

"Bucky!" Adriana screamed and dropped her spear. She started to run towards him but Yon-Rogg held her back.

"He's a killer, Una! Stay back! Stay back!" Yon-Rogg shouted as he held her shoulder tight.

All the commotion attracted the residents around them. Soon, they were surrounded by Sentimaults and Nowlanians who were curious on what was happening.

Bucky had hit the door hard and fell down to the ground. He grunted and started to stand up slowly.

"Adriana.. get away from him!" He yelled as he finally stood up and slowly walked towards Yon-Rogg and Adriana.

"Get away from him!" Bucky yelled as he started to run towards them.

Yon-Rogg pushed Adriana to the side just as Bucky jumped up high and landed, hitting his vibranium arm to the ground. The vibranium arm glowed blue as it absorbed the kinetic energy upon impact. He then stood up quickly and opened his palm, directing it towards Yon-Rogg, sending amplified kinetic energy towards him. Yon-Rogg flew back and hit the wall of a house. He fell down to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

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