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As if the fragrance of flowers has gone, the moonlight has been snatched from the moon, its waves have been snatched from the ocean. The beauty of everything had been snatched away by his departure. She knew where he was. for once in the heart the thought came to her that she should go to that place, to him. Everything was becoming very difficult, this feeling growing in her heart, to see him, to hug him, to tell him what was in her heart. But she knew that it was not that easy because he loves someone else and not her. Even after making herself remind a thousand times, her heart was not ready to accept this. She just wanted to try it once, just once. One day or the other their paths were going to collide again and this time everything will be different. But she didn't know that what was in her heart was growing in his mind as well, the only difference was that he had not yet realised it. Whether the eyes were open or closed, every time her face, her eyes, her smile, which were troubling him again and again. One of his motives for getting his work done quickly was to get out of here and ask her, Why? Why was she troubling him every now and then in his thoughts? Was she as impatient as he was to meet her? Once all this is over, then he will take answers to all these from her.

Like every morning she left her house and went out on the crowded streets of Bangalore. Busy with her work, she didn't realise when Rudra came and sat next to her.
"Madam, if you are free from work, would you please like to have coffee with me." She was a little startled but got calm on seeing Rudra. "When will this habit of yours of startling people is coming to an end, Rudra?" She asked him while sighing.
"What? I didn't do anything. Were you got startled?" He asked innocently.
"No, I didn't. But if there was someone here, that poor fellow would have died of a heart attack." She rolled her eyes.
"Okay madam I'm sorry, but you didn't answer my question." He chuckled.
"What happened that you want to take me for coffee?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Why do you have to ask questions every time. With that spoiled friend of yours, you go anywhere without asking questions."
"Can't you call her by her name?"
"No. Come on now, let's go."
"Okay fine."
In no time they both reached a coffee shop. He chose a table and went and sat there. Before Kayra could sit, Rudra pulled her chair towards the back and asked her to sit with a smile. Kayra got suspicious seeing his behaviour.
"Rudra, what's the matter? Why you got me here" "You know you ask too many questions. Have patience, I am not going to eat you and that too with coffee." he joked. She shook her head without saying anything. As soon as their coffee arrives they started talking about random things.
"Kayra, you and I have been together for a long time so what do you feel about me?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean will we both remain friends like this? Will you never go beyond that? How long will you gonna see me as a friend? When will you realise this?"
"This what?" He was silent and his silence was getting very scary for Kayra.
Just today at last he confessed what was in his heart for so many years. Rudra's fear overpowered him when he saw Kayra with Rocky that day. He didn't want to delay anymore so he spoke everything. He wanted to say this very beautifully but the situation was not like this. And now he could not even come between them because he himself was not here.
"Have you gone mad Rudra? What are you saying?" Kayra couldn't believe him.
"Yes, I have gone mad. If loving someone is madness, then so be it."
"You know what, I don't want to talk to you." She stood up to leave.
"You can't go anywhere without listening to me." He holds her wrist and stops her from leaving.
"Do you think he will love you, no Kayra it will not happen because you also know that he loves Reena and maybe she also do the same, just she not accepting it in front of you. Kayra, you love him but he loves her and I... nevermind." He tries to make her understand.
"Stop it just stop, what has happened to you? Why are you behaving like this? Rudra, how did you mistake my friendship for love? I will see whether he loves me or not, you don't need to think about it. Maybe I made a mistake in thinking that you are not like those men who only need a woman for their own sake." Knowingly or unknowingly, Kayra's words hit his heart like an arrow.

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