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A girl drenched from head to toe in a black stormy night is sitting in a corner as if she wants to escape from everyone's eyes. It had been 1 to 2 hours since she did this and since then a boy was watching her with great interest. He realized that he must talk to this girl so he slowly went near her and as if she had heard an danger bell ringing she suddenly stood up and looked at the boy with angry eyes.
"Take it easy, I don't want to do anything to you. I just wanted to know what are you doing sitting here, that too in this rain." he asked.
"What do you mean by this, mind your own business and go from here." she threatens
"Tell me what's the matter maybe I can be of some help to you." he again asked her.

'I don't need your help and I told you to go from here." One thing was clear from her behaviour and expressions that she is very scared and if nothing is done then the vultures hovering here will eat her. He leaves from there without saying anything. The last ray of hope for the girl also went away with her. She wanted go with him but just like that no one could be trusted. The cold was so much that it could not be tolerated anymore, her whole body was trembling and the teeth started chattering. But as if today God was kind to her, someone covered her with a shawl. She sees that a motherly woman was looking at her with great affection.
"Come with me, daughter. It would not be right for you to stay here at this place and at this time. trust me." There was a sense of concern in his voice, and that only she wanted to trust. She didn't say anything and silently started walking with that woman. After some time she reached a house and the woman asked her to walk inside but she was standing there looking a little unsure.
"Don't worry beta, everything is fine. you are safe here." Nodding her head, the girl took her steps forward. Inside, the house was very small but looked very warm and comfortable.

"You're drenched. Wait, I'll get you some warm clothes." As soon as she says this, the woman goes inside. Looking at the house, it seemed that not many people live here. Maybe the lady lives here all alone.
"Take this and go inside to the bathroom and change clothes." Quietly taking the clothes from her hands, she went towards the bathroom.
When she came out after doing her work, she saw that the woman had made hot tea for her.
"I have made tea for you so that you don't get cold if you get wet in the rain. Come sit here." Don't know why after seeing this woman, she started remembering her mother, the mother whom she had lost some time ago.
"By the way, I want to ask you a lot, but I will not ask anything right now and it depends on you whether you want to tell me something or not. Stay here as long as you want, anyway I live alone. Yes, if you want to know something, you can ask." After thinking for a moment, she asked the question that had been on her mind from the beginning.
"How did you know I was there and why did you help me? We both don't even know each other, yet you allowed me to come to your house, why?" she asked the lady. "Because help is not done only to someone who you know, we are humans and it is our humanity to support each other in bad times." she smiled.
"You are not telling the whole thing are you?"
"Oh wow you are very smart. Yes, the truth is that someone asked me to help you." she was impressed.
"Who told you?"
"Rudra, he was the one who came to me and said that you are not listening to him and as this place is full of hungry wolves so I brought you here so that you stay safe here."
Rudra, oh so it is the name of the same guy. She thought.
"Does he also live here with you?"
"No, he lives alone just a little far away from here." Without saying anything, she just nodded her head. Shall I go and thank him but I don't know how to talk to him. Oh God why does I had to be so rude to him? She curses herself mentally. "Beta, you go and get some rest. I have some work, so I finish it, okay?"
"Thank you Aunty, you invited me here with you, but I must leave now, I do not want to trouble you."
"You know you are just like my daughter. No matter how much trouble she herself was in, she also used to think that she should not give trouble to others. And it is clear from your eyes how much trouble you are in. you stay here perhaps my daughter's absence will be fulfilled by your being here."
"Your daughter doesn't live with you?"
"No, now she has become one of those shining stars of the black night and she is the most beautiful and bright star in that sky as well as in my life." There was a lot of pain in her words and voice but there was a slight smile on his face which was trying to hide that pain but the girl had seen everything and she could understand her situation. She also knew very well the pain of losing loved ones.
"Arrey! I talked to you about the whole world, but did not even ask you your name. Well, what is the name of the one with beautiful eyes?" She blushed after hearing this, then she told her name.

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