Tip #9: DO take a break from villainous stuff to hang out with your roommates

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Grian winced slightly at a loud shout, glancing away from his phone. "Grian! GRIANN!" He sighed.

"Scar, I'm literally in the next room!" He shouted back, getting up off his bed and making his way into the living room. "you don't need to scream." Grian added wryly, stealing the glass of water Mumbo was reaching for and taking a sip, drawing an irritated mutter from the black-haired man.

Unfortunately, Grian (for some reason) decided to let out a triumphant noise while drinking the water, causing him to choke slightly.

Grian paused, taking a moment to catch his breath after choking on the water before speaking. "Anyway- what do you want?"

"Well- I have the day off work today, and so does Mumbo, and given the fact that you stayed in bed till 11am, I can only guess you do as well, sooo- I thought we could go on a walk or something!" Scar said brightly. "Maybe at that big park down the road. There's normally an ice cream truck there."

"Uh... sure! I think I'm free." He did know that most of the villains were busy- Pearl and Gem, who were roommates, had both come with the flu, Impulse and Tango were on vacation in Empiria together, and Cub had left the city the previous day to go visit family that lived quite far away.

Scar grinned. "Great! Let's go then, come onnn!" He added excitedly, practically dragging Mumbo up off the couch as the moustached man let out a complaint, although he was grinning, so Grian didn't think Mumbo was really mad.

The parrot hybrid set the glass of water down on the table next to the couch before running after Mumbo and Scar, who had already reached the door. "Wait for me-"


They reached the park soon enough, and after telling Scar that no, he could not go on the play area meant for toddlers as he was a twenty four year old man, the trio sat down on a bench for a grand total of roughly three minutes until-

Scar gasped at the sound of music, spinning around and pointing behind them. "Ice cream truck!" He cheered.

Grian turned around, gasping as well as he spotted the truck. They both turned slowly to face Mumbo, who was sat between them. "Mumbooooo-"

"Can we get ice cream? Pleaseee?" Scar asked, grinning.

"Neither of us brought our wallets." Grian added in a mutter.

Mumbo paused for a moment before letting out a sigh. "You two won't leave me alone till I get you ice cream, will you?"

A simultaneous, 'No,' from Grian and Scar was enough to make their roommate get up with a laugh.

"Okay then, let's go get some."

Scar ended up getting mint choc chip with raspberry sauce (an odd combo) while Grian just got strawberry and Mumbo decided to get some as well, although Grian's roommate also made the poor decision to be basic (said with love) and get vanilla.

As soon as they sat down again, Scar immediately launched into a story about something funny that his co-worker Ren (that name was vaguely familiar to Grian- he was sure Doc had mentioned it) had said.

"Oh, and then when Ren said that, Jev said-" Scar paused for a moment. It appeared as though he was catching his breath (which was plausible for the speed of which the brunette had been speaking), although this was quickly proven to be false as Scar suddenly lunged forwards in an attempt to lick some of Grian's ice cream.

Unfortunately for Scar (and Grian), he completely missed and ended up with strawberry ice cream smeared across the left side of his face.

He recoiled immediately with a startled shriek, shaking his head violently. The half of Scar's face that Grian could see (the half that wasn't covered in ice cream) went bright red as Mumbo and Grian burst into peals of laughter.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up-" Scar cut his own lame protests off with focused silence as he attempted to wipe the ice cream off with his sleeve. "I'll get your ice cream next time." He added with a huff, finishing his own ice cream moments later and ignoring the sensory nightmare (at least, it would be for Grian) of having sticky ice cream residue on his face.

"Sssure you will." Grian glanced back at the smushed remains of his strawberry ice cream, pulling a face. "Mumbooo, can I have money to get another ice cream? This one's contaminated by Scar." He added with a huff.

"Hey, I didn't conmati- connatim- cotnamin- I didn't do that!" Scar finished lamely as Mumbo handed Grian some spare change.

"You'll get there eventually." Mumbo joked with a laugh as Grian got up. "I believe the word you're looking for is 'contaminate'."

"The word I'm looking for, I can't say, because Grian's pres- oh never mind, he's gone, I can say it now, you bi-" Grian giggled as he walked out of earshot, barely managing to calm himself down before reaching the ice cream truck.

When he returned, ice cream cone in hand, Scar was crouched down on the ground looking under a bush and Mumbo was watching with an amused expression.

"What on earth happened in the-" Grian glanced down at his watch, which was a gift from BDubs. "-two minutes I was gone?" He added after squinting at the watch for a moment.

"There's a cat under the bush!" Scar called up, his voice slightly muffled. "I heard meowing!" Grian shot a skeptical glance at Mumbo, who shrugged.

"I didn't hear anything." The dark-haired man said with another sigh that was half exasperated, half affectionate. "I think Scar may be slightly sleep deprived."

"I think you are wrong, my friend, because-" Scar paused, falling back. "AHA!" Grian glanced at what the brunette was holding as his friend began repeatedly chanting, "I told you so."

It appeared to be a small gray and white kitten, oddly enough.

In the space of a few minutes, Scar somehow came to the conclusion that the kitten had no owner, named her Jellie, and insisted that they were keeping her and that they should head home right now, actually.

Nothing much of interest happened on the walk home, although Grian did notice Scar stare at a message on his phone and look at Grian with a confused (and oddly hurt?) expression, but Grian thought nothing of it, even though Scar was quiet for the rest of the day.

It was a great day, an amazing day, even, although Grian at that moment had no way of knowing that it would be the last good day for a very long time, if ever.

He had no way of knowing how much this day would mean to him in a matter of weeks- days, even.

Awwww fluff woooo

And Jellie is here now :D Scar didn't give Grian and Mumbo a choice, Jellie lives with them now

All hail Queen Jellie >:)

That was very fluffy :)) it would be a shame if anything bad happened next chapter :))) and if the heroes were bad/morally gray people :)) and if anything happened to someone close to Grian :)))

It would be a shame :)))

Comments and votes are appreciated! <3 :]

I don't proofread so sorry for errors <3

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