Not She

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Nonbinary!reader (Not out yet so wrong proununs)

Reader scared to come out.

Sorry if it's bad, it was a while since i've written anything

The sun shining through the curtains woke you up. "Good morning beautiful" your girlfriend Leonora Lesso murmured when she realised that you were awake. You had to hold back a wince to the phrase beautiful, you hated it, it was not you. You had known for a while that you were not a girl, but not a boy either, so you were not sure what you were feeling. Or at least not until you had read a book with the main character feeling like you were feeling. They identified as non-binary, the descriptions fit right in on how you felt.

But you now felt scared, scared to tell Leonora and your friend. The thoughts filled your mind, about what if they wouldn't support you.

"Y/n you okay? You seemed lost in thought, what are you thinking about darling?" Lesso's voice broke you out from your thoughts. "Nothing Leo, I just don't feel like teaching today". You answered, you were not really lying, but not telling her the whole truth.


"Ms. Y/L/N can you help me with this question". One of the Nevers asked you. You of course went to help them, but the knot in your stomach tightened as the day went on and more feminine phrases were thrown against you.

Your breaking point came when one of your students used she/her pronouns to talk about you, yes they were saying kind things. But today was not your day, you had been tired the whole day. Not having the energy to cover up the hurt/discomfort from being referred to as a woman anymore. So you dismissed the class. Once everyone left the classroom you let your emotions out, your hands began to shake and you leaned against the wall and slowly slid down. And you started to sob.

Leonora Lesso's Pov

I had heard something about Y/n's class being dismissed earlier, which confused me. She almost never dismissed class this early so I went to go check on her. When I came closer to her classroom I heard sobs coming from inside the room. I sped up my steps to get to her quicker.

I entered the classroom to find her sobbing against the wall, I went towards her and took her in my arms and hugged her, trying to get her to calm down a bit and breathe.

Y/n's Pov

You felt someone wrap their arms around you. You soon heard your girlfriend's voice try to calm you down. It did kind of work. Her warm embrace and soft words soon calmed you down enough to be able to breathe a bit.

"What's wrong darling?" Leonora asked you, sounding concerned, which was reasonable. "N-nothing" you managed to get out between quick breaths. "No need to lie to me darling, there must be a reason, you don't react like this to much", you thought for a minute, considering telling her. You decided to tell her, it was time. YOu hoped that she would support you.

"I'mnonbinaryandIusethey/thempronuns" you rushed out. "Darling, I need you to talk slower. I can't understand what you are saying," Leonora said. So you took a deep breath before explaining. "I'm non-binary, I don't feel like a girl or a boy, so I prefer they/them pronouns" your voice got quieter in the end.

Leonora just sat there quiet for a second, long enough for you to become insecure and start rambling again. "I understand if you no longer want to be with me, I will just le-" she cut you off with a kiss. "Darling I understand, I still want to be with you. You don't need to stress, this doesn't change anything about how I feel about you. Wait is it okay if I call you darling or would you prefer something else" she calmed you down. "Yes, darling is still okay" you answered. "And thank you," you whispered. "What are you thanking me for?" Leonora looked confused. "For supporting me" you explained.

"Always" she smiled at you.


Hello everyone, I'm back (kinda?) I will try to uptade more.

But a little life update, while I've been away I have discovered more about myself. I'm nonbinary, using they/them pronuns, ace and a lesbian. 

Well thank you for reading this, hope you enjoyed it : )

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