Opening up {TW}{F}

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TW: Self harm.

This topic will start direcly after the line.


You sat on the floor of the bathroom, with the blade in hand running it over your arms and thighs. The familiar feeling of blood seeping thorugh your skin as guilt hit you. Why did you do that. You had been clean for over a week. Why had you relapsed. Tears started to flow down your face.

As you heard someone open the door to your dorm you looked to make sure that the door to the bathroom was locked, and the door were locked. You walked into the shower thinking that the person entering your dorm was just one of your roommates. The water was stinging against your fresh wounds as you watched the pink water mixed with blood flow down the drain.

As you left the shower you made sure to bandage the cuts to no blood would seep through your clothes. You looked in the mirror and saw your puffy eyes, you panicked and washed your face with cold water to reduce puffiness. You took the blade and hid it well under a loose tile in the bathroom before you left the bathroom. You had long sleeves and puffy pants. Because you could not stand the feeling of clothes onto the cuts, and the feeling of the clothes sticking in the cuts were terrible.

To your suprise Lady Lesso, your girlfirend sat on your bed. Waiting for you. She saw your slightly wet hair from the shower and looked at you, suprised. "You took a shower instead of coming to my class" she said. Shit, shit, shit I missed her class. You thought to yourself. You did not answer her and she maybe saw the slight panic on your face, that dissapeared as soon as it had showed. Like it almost was never there.

She did not say anything about the panic she saw and she just opened her arms and invited you to sit in her lap. You sat down and the began to slightly caress your thighs, a sign of affection that you often loved, but now you almost winced as her fingers were going ofer the open cuts.

Turned around and hugged her to make her stop without telling her to stop because then she would ask why. You had never told your girlfriend anything about your self harm and you did not plan on telling her. The most of your cuts were on your thighs and not that may on your upper body. That lead to the closest thing to skin to skin contact was cuddeling in your pants and a bra. You had not wanted to go any further, not wanting to show her your cuts and scars.

As you cuddled closer to Lesso your sleeve got slightly up showing your bandaged that now were covered in blood. She saw them and hugged you tighter. "Something you want to tell me darling" she asked softly, not wanting to press you any further. You looked up at her and then followed her gaze down onto your arms.

Panic filled your body and your facade must have faltered because Lesso said "Hey darling don't panic, you don't have to tell me. Just know that I'm here adn you can talk to me". That made tears fall down your face and you started to tell her about your problems and the thoughts.

A sadness passed over her face and you stopped talking. "I didn't want to make you sad Nora" you said and looked down. Darling don't worry I'm just dissapoined at myself for not realizing this earlier" you looked down. "Nora don't I have gotten good at hiding it" you replied.

Lesso just sat quiet and listened to your rant. You slowly rolled up your sleeves to show her.You slowly unrolled the bandages, and tried to not get any blood on the bed. The array of fresh cuts, older cuts, and scars that covered both of your arms made her shocked. She made sure to not show it scared that you would get even more mad at yourself. "Darling if you ever think of doing this again, please talk to me insted. I can try to help you. You don't have to, but just know that I am here" Lesso said. "There is more" you mumbeled quiet, scared that Leonora would react badly. "You want to show me or no" she asked softly.

You took of your pants, careful to not irritade the wounds and unrolled those bandages too. A small gasp left her lips as she saw your thighs painted with many old and new cuts. Arranged all over the place. Much more than the ones painted on your arms. You looked up at her, expecting to see dissapointment but insted saw a proud expression. "Darling this is a big step. I'm proud of you for telling me, if you need anyone to talk to please find me. It doesn't matter when, even if it is in the middle of the night" she told you.

You felt yourself becoming tired as it had been night. You snuggled deeper into your girlfriends arms and fell asleep. As you had fallen asleep she picked you up and carried you to her bedroom to sleep in the bigger and more comtreable bed.


If anyone need to talk to anyone I am here please msg me. If you relate I am sorry.

If you have any ideas or requests let me know. 

1293 words

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