Sleep {F}

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You were laying in bed, waiting for your girlfriend Leonora Lesso. Yes, the dean of evil was your girlfriend. Sometimes you asked yourself how you were able to get with such a hot woman.

But right now you were alone. Your girlfriend was probably working in her office, as she often did. She was used to not having someone to come back to and often got stuck in her office, grading papers the whole night.

That left you alone most nights, which worked some of them. But today was one of the nights where you could not fall asleep without the warmth of Leonora next to you. So you slowly sat up, whimpering as the cold air touched your skin.

Before you left the bedroom you picked up one of Leonora's hoodies, which was oversized on you.

You walked out into the corridor. Slightly shivering from the cold air that never seemed to get warm in the school for evil. That was something you always questioned, why the school needed to be so cold. But you just continued walking towards your girlfriend's office.

When you reached them you knocked on the door and waited for a reply, as you did not want to startle your poor girlfriend. When you did not receive and answer you just opened the door and stood there. Waiting for Leonora to see you. But she was too engrossed in her grading and did not realize that you were standing in the room.

So you walked towards her and stood behind her chair. "Leonora" you whined quietly. Leonora flinched at the sound of your voice, she had not seen you earlier. "Yes darling" she asked quietly, now noticing how tired you looked. "Come to bed" again, it came out as a whine. That made Lesso falter, her girlfriend was tired, but she really needed to finish grading the papers.

"Darling I really need to finish grading this" she whispered, scared for your reaction. "But Nora I can't sleep and the bed is cold without you" you answered, also in a hushed tone.

Leonora thought about it for a minute, before she scooted her chair back and patted her lap, indicating for you to get on her lap. So you did, you straddled her lap and put your face in her neck and breathed in her scent. The warmth that Leonora's body released made you very tired. You felt your eyelids become heavy. Before you fell asleep you whispered out a little "Goodnight Nora""good night Darling" Leonora answered, her heart melting at the sight of her fast asleep girlfriend on her lap.


Well 2023 is here, how weird it feels I am still stuck in 2019. So here is something for late new years, sorry for the wait I will try and update more often.

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