04. picking a fight

Start from the beginning

"Fucking bitch," he rasped, doubled over slightly from the pain.

One of the two guys hovering by him let out a whistle. "Damn, Katsuki. She's stronger than she looks. I can't believe she actually managed to land a few hits on you."

"Shut up! It's 'cause I'm holding back, that's all! I'm still just sizing her up."

Was the guy's name Kacchan or Katsuki? Actually, if you were remembering correctly, Inko had also mentioned that name yesterday, though you hadn't thought much of it at the time.

"It's been so long since you've had a friend over, Izuku! The last time must have been back when you and Katsuki were still kids!"

Maybe Kacchan was some sort of nickname, just like Deku. And if you were making the right inference, it seemed like at some point, they had been friends. Although that certainly didn't look to be the case anymore.

"Kacchan, please," Izuku called out shakily. He even stepped in front of you, despite the fact that his entire body was trembling. "Leave [Name] alone. She was just trying to defend me. Y-You really shouldn't fight people for no reason. We're leaving anyways... okay?"

"Huh?!" Katsuki snapped. "This dumbass is the one who punched me first! You guys saw it too, didn't you?"

The two other guys, presumably his underlings, nodded hastily.

"Yeah, dude. She's the one that started it."

"Katsuki's just defending himself, that's all."

Technically, you had thrown the first punch, but he'd been provoking you from the very start. And even if you hadn't, you got the sense that he would have started some shit all on his own. He sure seemed like the type.

"But you're really not supposed to use your Quirk like this," Izuku insisted nervously. "You'll get in trouble, Kacchan."

Katsuki already looked angrier than you'd ever known was possible, but somehow, Izuku's comment pushed him even further over the edge.

"Don't you dare worry about me," he hissed. "I don't need your damn concern. It makes me sick to my fucking stomach. Always... you're always looking down on me, aren't you?"

Um. How the hell did he interpret it that way?

Izuku was clearly just expressing his concern because he was a good guy. You felt as though his kindness was wasted on someone like Katsuki, but that was beside the point. This guy really liked to throw fits, huh? Getting angry over literally nothing.

You pretended to yawn. "So, are you going to fight me, or just keep whining? We're losing daylight here."

"You fucking-!"

He practically exploded from that point onwards. Actually, he literally exploded, since his Quirk allowed him to wield that sort of power as he pleased. From what you could tell, he was only able to create the explosions from the palms of his hands. This meant that you could position your body in such a way that you'd be able to predict his attacks and dodge them.

Still, you weren't used to fighting against someone that had this kind of ability. Even though you had good vision, dark smoke was steadily building up thanks to continued usage of his Quirk. It was getting difficult to see clearly. You had to strain your eyes, which were starting to burn quite uncomfortably.

"Don't get too conceited!" Katsuki yelled, firing off yet another explosion. This was one was stronger than the rest, enough to blow you backwards a good amount. You managed to collect yourself rather quickly, but it was clear that the damage was accumulating. You could only fight from close-range, whereas he could keep you away with long-distance attacks. Every time you thought you'd managed to sneak in close enough to land a punch, he hastily reacted with an explosion and you were forced to dodge at the very last moment.

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