Extra Chapter: Kiryu Kazuma (Ruler) My Room dialogue

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Ruler-Class Servant: Kazuma Kiryu, former chairman of the Tojo Clan, so you must be my new master huh? Never thought I'd ever serve someone again heh.

Level Up: Hmm.. yes, my strength is naturally coming back.

Level Up 2: I never thought I could get stronger, seems I am wrong thanks to you.

1st Ascension: Heh.. how nostalgic, a nice pair of clothings to go with some drinks, oh right, you're underaged Fujimaru, no worries.

2nd Ascension: Hm.. definitely stronger. 

3rd Ascension: Ohhh.. seems like I'm without a shirt, take a look good master, this is the tattoo that sealed my fate.

4th Ascension: I thank you Fujimaru, my time here at Chaldea, though short has felt more pleasurable thanks to you and the others..!

Battle Start 1: 
Shinite Yatsu Dake Kakatte Koi!

Battle Start 2:
I'll lend you my power then.

Battle start 3:
Let's make this quick.

Skill 1:
Let's get serious.

Skill 2:
Good grief..

Skill 3:

Attack Selected 1:

Attack Selected 2:
Let's go!

Attack Selected 3:

Noble Phantasm Selected 1:

Noble Phantasm Selected 2:
Noble Phantasm? don't be disappointed then.

 Attack 1: ooOORAAA!

Attack 2: Tei!

Attack 3: Sei!

Attack 4: Yaro!

Attack5: UWOOAGHH!

Attack 6: Lets goo!

Extra Attack 1: DeeeiYAAA!

Extra Attack 2: YAMEEROOO!

Extra Attack 3: HANASEII!

Noble Phantasm 1:
Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him. Hmph.. This is the power of the Dragon!

Damaged by Noble Phantasm 1: UWOAAHH..!

Damaged by Noble Phantasm 2: UWOAHOO..!

Regular Damage 1: Tch..

Regular Damage 2: Guwoh..

Regular Damage 3: Uwah!

Defeated 1: Dam..

Defeated 2: Not like this...

Battle Finish 1: Hmm..

Battle Finish 2: Not bad? huh?

Battle Finish 3: You alright?

Bond Lvl 1: Oh master? tck.. just kidding, [player name], how are you?

Bond Lvl 2: What's wrong, Master, when you appear before me, you should kneel. Just kidding hehe.

Bond lvl 3: Oh master, wanna train sometime? You can use the exercise for a bit. 

Bond lvl 4: Why did I become Yakuza? hmm, perhaps to repay someone or find a meaning in life? maybe but that's up to me to tell you ain't it? 

Bond lvl 5: Honestly master, I would rather you not question me about the Yakuza, its not what you expect it to be like but there are similarities to it, it made insane people like.. just don't get involved with the yakuza alright master. If you do, I'll beat the shit out of them for ya.. hehe.

Bond lvl 5 (Clear Yakuza Blood): Why am I tearing up? probably the cooks in the kitchen cooking something with onion again? Lying?! heh, guess you caught me, sit down master, I'll tell you why I joined the Yakuza then.

Dialogue 1: Rest is good but sometimes we need to keep it active master.

Dialogue 2: Master and servant contract huh? well I've served under a lot of people in the yakuza so this type of thing ain't much a surprise to me, just take commands and do em. 

Dialogue 3: Our relationship isn't really of master and servant huh? its more like father and son you say? I guess that makes sense..

Dialogue 4 (Mandricardo): Oh hey kid, yea sorry about last time, huh you wanna train with me because I'm a super cool badass fighter? hehe.. suit yourself kid, don't get to hyped when you see this old man in action.

Dialogue 5 (Jack The Ripper): Oh Jack, here to play with Uncle Kiryu again hehe, why don't you invite Nursery Rhyme and that Christmas girl this time? 

Dialogue 6 (Jaguar Man): Your vessels grandpa was yakuza? No wonder I felt a strong presence from you, he must have been a legendary yakuza then..

Dialogue 7 (Mordred Saber/Rider): Old man?! I'm only 44! Stop calling me old and I might train you!

Dialogue 8 (Emiya): Oh Emiya, just in time, do you think you can set me up with lunch later with Majima-san?

Dialogue 9 (Majima Assassin): Ma- no. This is but isn't my Majima, still I'd like to get to know him before he turned out like this.

Dialogue 10 (Majima Alter Ego): Ah Majima-san! Emiya is setting us some lunch later, wanna come? O-oi! Why the hell are you pulling your knife out?!

Dialogue 11 (Kiryu Kazuma Saber): Ah yes, when I was young, I was foolish, master let me beat the shit out of myself.

Dialogue 12 (Emiya-alter): Emiya-alter..? Huh I don't really get it but he still respects me and serves me junk food unlike Emiya who nags at him, oh well free food doesn't hurt.

Dialogue 13: (Musashi Miyamato Beserker/Saber): Dam, thats rad! Who would have though one of Japan' best swords user was a women, perhaps I can get her autograph..!

Dialogue 14 (Dragon trait character): Hmm..? Dragon? I have the mantle of Dragon, but I am not a real dragon, sorry to bum you out.

Something you Like: I like singing, drinking, dancing, eating, travelling and spending time with my friends. Eh? you expected more from me? what else does a man need aside from the necessities? 

Something you hate: Yakuza bastards who don't know honour. And probably when Majima-san attacks me for the 24th time in an hour.

About the Holy Grail: The Holy Grail... if I had it I could- nah.. that's useless, history is history, so if I ever get a wish master, I'd wish it for those kids back at the orphanage to live long healthy lives and the kids after them to live healthier and long too.

During an event: Hey master, wake up, something is happening outside, let's go check it out shall we?

Birthday: Oh? it's your birthday, happy birthday master, how about we celebrate this day by travelling around Sotenbori and Kamurocho? we'll get you a gift there!

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