Chapter 2: The Dragon meets the Usurper

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"And that's what mana is and why servants require it from their masters or the existence of life itself to provide mana to us servants!" Da Vinci said with a grinning smile.

"You literally just said one thing about mana Da Vinci? what am I meant to decipher from that? all I know is mana is basically a drug to us servants to live of.." Kiryu responded.

"Exactly! mana is like a drug to us servants except we barely have to suffer the consequences and only when low levels of mana is supplied to us servants is when things get a bit more dire!"

Kiryu simply stares at the little girl not expecting the brash yet adult thinking coming from her, what if Haruka was like this, maybe he'd have a harder time so he was glad she was care free at least. 

Leaving Kiryu in his old man trance, Fujimaru takes the initiative to ask Kiryu if he would like a guide around Chaldea, one that Kiryu accepts due to the unfamiliarity of the place.

Time passes by as Fujimaru shows Kiryu the battle simulation and upon entering see a blond hiared girl, donning a grey and red patterned armour sparring with a scared looking man with white hair who seemed to have struggled dodging the ferocious onslaught of attacks plastered his way.

Kiryu alongside Fujimaru stood there baffled by the scene watching the blond haired knight use her fists and feet's to catch the silver knight of guard before smashing his face onto the ground with the blond haired knight laughing and bolstering her power and supremacy over the silver knight.

Kiryu slightly annoyed by her ignorance of the injured servant decides to approach the girl and man.

"Hey lady, instead of celebrating after winning, you should have checked up on the man."

Fujimaru gulped, he forgot to tell Kiryu-san that Mordred despises people who call her a girl or anything near feminine term like, how the hell was he going to save Kiryu now? Maybe he had to spare a command seal but before his worries could be set aside, the loud and brash lady spoke in an arrogant tone.

"HAH girl..? Whats it up to you?! I won fair and square, no who the hell even are ya?!" Mordred retorted

Much to Fujimaru's shock, Mordred didn't flat out kill Kiryu-san, why? did she feel scared by him? he did have a warriors menacing aura, perhaps that caught her eye? who was Kiryu-san really?

"I see, I'm sorry if calling you a girl was bad on my part, then, Mr, next time check upon the person you fight as to make sure they aren't severely injured, you did punch him pretty hard onto the ground."

Kiryu started walking over to check on the unconscious man, his arm which bared a silver tint and glow which confused him.

"Yea yea, Bedibitch is fine, he's handled my power and noble phantasm and lived to tell the tale surprisingly, now answer me, who the hell are ya? if you don't answer then I'll get the answer out of ya. Violently."

"A fight huh? if you wanna die.. step right up then."

Kiryu wasn't going to kill her, after all, he wasn't going to harm her, he didn't like hurting females, that wasn't good, he'd seen plenty of corrupt yakuza bastards try to harm countless females or use them, he swore he'd protect and not harm females. He'd simply subdue her and talk some sense into the arrogant hot headed lady.

Much to the pleasure of the Mordred, Kiryu carried the unconscious man away and came back to the arena getting ready to fight. Mordred wielded her infamous sword. A radiant and brilliant royal sword Clarent. Kiryu seemed a bit shocked seeing the sword, it definitely didn't seem like a yakuza's plain weapon you'd find in the street.

"I wasn't planning on fighting anyone else other than that bastard but seeing as you've shown up and try to act like a dad to me, I guess I just gotto hit you down a few pegs!"

Fujimaru now almost in despair watched the two get into a stance, one barbaric whilst the other as calm as the waters in a river passing by. He wondered who'd win, a man who fought with his bare hands or the knight who fought savagely with the sword to earn appreciation yet also fear in them.

"If I may answer, it was you who initiated the fight, children are always full of energy but if not taught anything can become dangerous to themselves and others, did your parents never teach you this?"

Kiryu said that with a bland expression, he didn't have parents himself aside his adoptive father, Kazama, but he couldn't help but see younger version of him in the girl, a young hot headed yakuza who'd do anything he want until he met someone stronger than them and serve them till death. Not a thing he'd particularly enjoy doing again but with that master person, he didn't feel the same.

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