Chapter 4: Matter of France: The King and the Dragons duel

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Caenis is the name of Caeneus before she wished to become a man, A warrior and tyrant found within Greek mythology as well as a member of Jason's crew, the Argonauts, Caenis went on many an adventure with the crew as it was speculated that Caenis was once a woman and later became a man.

Kiryu understood that much about the young maiden, no supposedly if she were to be a woman once and a man later, than he should address her as him to not make the same mistake he did with the blond knight earlier. (Woah trans right activist Kiryu?)

Kiryu took peeks at the additional information whilst listening to the dark toned figure speak about Mordred and how they were going to spar to see what hurt Mordred and to repay it by tenfold. 

In the past, Caenis was undoubtedly a woman, renowned as one of the most beautiful maidens in all of Thessaly as in one point after turning down numerous courters, Caenis had lost her chastity to the sea god Poseidon leaving him Satisfied. In return, the sea god offered to grant her all of her wishes, to which Caenis asked to no longer be a woman so she may never be violated ever again. Caenis then became an invincible man, according to legend or at least what Kiryu understood due to the hot bar, Caenis, a women originally turned into man.

"So Mr. Caenis, you wish to fight me then? I'm all for a good fight but I'd rather not hurt someone as beautiful as you mind me."

Caenis flustered a little being called beautiful by the man who had a serious expression on his face before going back on her rant.

"Hey, don't think you can flatter your way out of this bastard, you hurt Mordred and that enough is more than reason to put you in five feet into the ground!"

This statement made a few servants perk up, especially the blond hair and green eye's females and her counterparts, Kiryu didn't know how to respond but took it calmly and responded with a rather annoyed but nonchalant look.

"I didn't want to fight Mordred, they picked a fight with me first, I only acted in self-defence and helped out the silver haired knight because she wasn't going to."

Caenis a little pissed off by his answer took a hold of Kiryu's collar and dragged him away with Mandricardo following suit like a puppy following its owner in shame. 

"So.. that man, he was said to have harmed Mordred and knocked her out? I am a little worried about Mordred, perhaps we should check up on her to make sure she's already."
A blond haired King stated.

"It is as you said my younger self but do not fear for Mordred is resistant and will probably awake soon."
The slightly bigger '"sized" king agreed with her statement.

"Serves her right for being an annoying little brat and picking a fight with people, let it be a warning for her to not act arrogant my pure self, after-all Mordred is a pain in our ass."
The one in the middle blond haired king spoke.

"What a confusing bunch of the same person." The rest of the servants thought as they left the King Of Britain's to their food and chattering with their loyal knights. 

( Skip to when Caenis in the battle simulation with Kiryu and Mandricardo )

"Aah uhh, Caenis, are you sure we should just drag the new guy for a fight and why me?"

Not to mention that guy looks like he could kill me with just his stares, jeez why did I follow Caenis around today, I should have stayed with master around this whole day and then I wouldn't need to mingle with others or get into a death battle with this guy, what did he say his name was? Kiryu Kazuma, he didn't know who he was but his aura alone let Mandricardo know, this guy was another level, the hell was he gonna do? well Caenis was there so I guess he could put in the effort to look like he's helping.  

Worse of all, he had to fight first so that Caenis could gauge his fighting techniques and weaknesses to them along with ignoring him..

"So kid, you're my opponent huh? I'll try not to harm you too much, throw in the towel if you think you're tired enough alright?"

"Yea got it, thanks."

What the hell? that was just a conversation with him and he already felt like he received a punch in the face. He knew this fight was bad news but he didn't want to face Caenis's wrath, after-all, they were known as the Delinquent Duo, despite most if not all the antics being purely Caenis, he was just dragged into the troubles and addressed as her associate in the troubles.

( Mori Nagayoshi hasn't been summoned yet )

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