Chapter three

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Caution: There will be hints to sexual harassment in this chapter.

Billie's pov:

I was talking to a cute girl named Lexi when I got a phone call. Probably Calvin. I guess it was kinda late I just really wanted to stay and talk to this girl.

"Sorry" I say to Lexi as I pick up the phone.

"Where the fuck are you" Calvin says first thing.

"Geez calm down. I'm at the bar with a girl I just met. What's up?"

"We gotta head out. Before you find some guy here to flirt with."

"Da fuck?! You were the one who brought me here in the first place!" I exclaim kind of offended.

"Don't talk to me like that you bitch! Meet me in the car in 3"

"Yes, sorry"

He hangs up leaving me still for a sec.

"You okay?"

God I almost forgot Lexi was here. She heard all that. Fuck. Cal is gonna get real mad if he knows that.

"Yea, yea. Just kinda bummed I have to leave. I loved talking to you though."

I was about get up and leave when she grabbed my arm. I flinched. I really hoped she wouldn't notice.

"How do I return your shirt? Could I maybe get your number sum?"

"Oh yea of course. Damn I almost forgot"

We exchanged socials which took a lot longer that I would've liked. Kind of anxious I look up at the clock hanging on the wall. Shit. I was supposed to be out in the car by now. I gave Lexi a quick hug and ran to the car.

As I got in Calvin was giving me the silent treatment. I debated whether or not to say something. I had decided not to but I really wanted to know where we were headed.


He didn't move a muscle.

"Babe where are we going?"

Still nothing.

"look I'm sorry, but it was one minute. I was one minute late."

"Oh what you just had finish kissing this guy or what?" He said surprisingly calm.

"No! I was just giving my socials-"

"To the guy you just finished kissing. Alright got it." He cut me off.

"No! To a GIRL who borrowed my shirt cause I spilled a drink on her" I said with a sigh.

"Alright, but why the fuck did she need your socials for that!" He said now a little louder.

"So she could return it." I said holding the tears back. He knew I hated when he was like this.

"Right" he said not believing anything that just came out of my mouth.

"Now will you tell me where we're going?"

"My place" he hummed.

I didn't say anything. There was no need to. I already knew what was going down.
But he had a hard day today, so maybe that's what he needed to calm down a bit.

Lexi's pov:

I was laying in Emma's bed with my phone. They were both asleep. I don't know what bothered me but I just couldn't fall asleep. I was just swiping on TikTok when suddenly Billie's face popped up. Fan edit. I double tapped and kept on scrolling.

After that she was all that filled my brain. I looked down at myself and pulled some of the fabric of Billie's shirt to my nose. She really did smell good. I couldn't believe I actually met her. And the fact that I have her number is crazy. It ended kind of weird though. There were just something about that phone call that didn't seem right.

The more I thought about it. The more I saw Billie's face drop when she picked it up. I wonder if it was her boyfriend. He didn't seem happy that's for sure. I thought about texting her. But it was really early. I tried forming a text, but ended up deleting it again and again.

I didn't tell Emma and Olivia that me and Billie met. They didn't even notice the outfit change. Probably because they were both wasted. I honestly don't know why I didn't tell them. I don't know if there was a reason. I just thought they'd freak out or something over nothing. I mean we weren't even really friends she just gave me her number so I could give her the shirt back. Right?

What am I thinking. Why on earth would she be friends with me. I was probably kind of awkward to talk to anyway. To be honest most of the conversation was in a blur, since I was close to passing out the entire time.

I turned my phone off deciding to give sleep an extra chance and then text her in the morning instead.  Probably best. I didn't want to seem too needy. But then my phone lit up and I didn't waist a second getting up and checking it.

I immediately clicked the message.

hey it's billie
ik your asleep rn, but I'm just bored and i wanted to make sure it's you.

no I'm awake. I can't sleep
it is me btw


This was a little bit longer. Let me know if I have to make them longer.

866 words

See ya! <3

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