Chapter 47: Family

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“Lisa, I know how my little sister is, and I’m sure you do too. Since the two of you have decided to spend your lives together, you have to cherish each other and be understanding of each other. Even though she’s never said it out loud, my sister actually admires our parents’ marriage quite a bit. I hope that the two of you can also enjoy a happy life together.”

Naturally, Taehyung cared about his sister’s happiness more than anything else.

“Jennie is a wonderful woman. I will take care of her to the best of my ability. Don’t worry, Brother.”

Her happiness… she couldn’t promise that.

She didn’t dare to, because she believed that happiness could only be attained by those in mutual love.

Obviously, she and Jennie were still far from that; but even so, she wanted to do her best on accomplishing everything she should do and could do for her. She refused to let Jennie suffer any grievances, though that was easier said than done.

After all, she wasn’t the type of person to let herself be wronged. In Lisa's mind, she had always been a strong woman who sat up so high in a lofty position that other people just couldn’t help but surrender to her. Provoking her was equivalent to having a death wish.

When her thoughts reached this point, a faint smile appeared on Lisa's face. It was a smile reserved for Jennie, and Jennie only.

Taehyung had been paying attention to Lisa's expressions. When he saw the extremely gentle smile on the actress' face, Taehyung finally set down his worries.

Since he had confirmed this woman’s deep feelings for his sister, he could only hope that his sister would also realize her own feelings soon. He wasn’t very sensitive to the feelings of others, but he understood his sister too well.

Very few people were capable of getting the attention of someone as cold and self-centered as her, and the ones who were capable of gaining her acknowledgment could be counted on one hand. It was as if she only had her family in her heart. Now, Lisa had joined their ranks.

To Taehyung, her concern for Lisa, as well as the ways she had changed, couldn’t be more obvious. He just wasn’t sure if his sister knew how much she cared about Lisa.

The expression in Taehyung's eyes softened. Both of them cared about the same woman, one due to familial love, and the other due to romantic love.

No matter how cold or indifferent a person was, they were prone to having a soft spot in their heart. That spot could be filled by anything, from another person to an object, or even an occasion. Whatever it was, they would cherish it and believe it was worth every effort to protect.

“I’m very busy abroad. From now on, you will have to watch over the Kim family. Mom and Dad are both too busy to visit. Grandpa is very fond of my little sister, so he will be very happy if the two of you return to visit him often,” Taehyung advised. This was the highest form of recognition that he could give to Lisa.

Lisa was both shocked and delighted.

“Brother, don’t worry. I will,” Lisa promised. Because Taehyung was Jennie's older brother, Lisa was very respectful towards him. However, unlike how obsequious and nervous she usually was in front of Jennie, she displayed a confident and decisive attitude when she faced Taehyung.

In reality, the Kim family was strong and didn’t need her supervision, but she kept in mind to visit Kim Manor often. Having Jennie accompany her would be the best. She hoped for the happiness of the entire family.

Lisa had never experienced the warmth of a family, so she's didn’t know the feeling of having one. Even after three years of marriage, the number of times she had visited the Kim family was small. They treated her kindly but still kept a sense of distance. At home with Jennie, it used to be worse. The wall of ice had seemed impossible to break.

However, everything had changed, and Lisa was now working to steer the change in a positive direction.

She wanted a real family of her own!

Before she left the company, Taehyung asked her for some signed photographs, which she agreed to give. On that same day, many of her fans squealed when they learned that one of the year-end welfare awards for the most hardworking employees would be a signed photograph of Lisa.

That afternoon, she went to the filming set. It was almost time to start filming, so there was a lot of work to be done. She was busy for several hours until she realized that dinner time was about to be over, and right after she took out her phone, intending to give Jennie a call, her phone rang.

She looked expectantly at the screen, but it wasn’t Jennie. A look of disappointment came over her face as she swiped to answer the call.


Jeon Somi, a classmate and roommate of hers from university, was also one of the few friends she had. Although they didn’t really keep in touch, their relationship wasn’t too bad.

“Great Film Empress Lisa, it is most fortunate that your royal highness still remembers this little one,” Somi immediately mocked her, but her tone suggested that she didn’t actually mind. She understood that after university, everyone had gone their separate ways and was busy with their own lives.

“Do you need something?” Lisa responded indifferently, ignoring the jab. Somi was used to her temperament.

“Tut-tut. With that personality, how did you even make it this big in the entertainment circle? I thought cold guys were already out of fashion? Ai, I really don’t get why all those little girls scream when they hear your name mentioned…” Somi lamented sourly.

Well, who told her to be such a loner?

“Get to the point,” Lisa said impatiently.

She wanted to hang up and call Jennie already, okay? She didn’t want to listen to a grown woman's prattle!

“Okay, I’ll get to the point. Actually, there are two. One, how could you keep your marriage from your buddies like this? Do you even consider us your friends? Two, you have to come to our class reunion, our university class reunion. Right now, you’re the most famous one out of all of us. If you don’t come, everyone will gather at the entrance of your company and hound you!” As a matter of fact, Somi had actually been forced by everyone else to make this call.

Lisa had no interest in reunions, so she rarely attended them. At most, she would meet up with a friend once in a while. She didn’t have that many friends, and she didn’t like to socialize in the first place.

However, this reunion was different because it really had been too long since she last saw her friends, and the timing for this call was a bit suspicious. She still remembered that Sunmi had called and talked about this class reunion.

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