Chapter 23 - To Change Her

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Lunch was a bit stifling. Afterward, when the four returned to the company together, they were not surprised to see a few reporters hanging around the entrance. The reporters held up their cameras and launched into a picture-taking frenzy, but they finished and fled before Jennie could open her mouth.

Jennie and the rest watched as black lines slid down their foreheads.

Reporters nowadays sure were proficient. They'd even grasped the notion of guerrilla warfare, knowing how to shoot and then switch locations.

"Should I go deal with it?" Seulgi asked. She was the only one suitable for the job since she was an assistant. She just didn't know if she would be able to catch up with the reporters.

"No." They'd disclosed their relationship already, so a few pictures were nothing to be afraid of. Jennie confidently strode into the company. Lisa hesitated for a second before quickening her pace so she could walk by her side.

However, there was still a tiny bit of distance between their bodies, making them look close and intimate when they were actually not.

Lisa had decided to do this on her own initiative. Now that they had disclosed their relationship, she obviously couldn't act as distant and indifferent to her as she did before. Otherwise, the public would likely start to come up with all kinds of weird speculations. They might even bring up the possibility of divorce.

At the same time, she couldn't be too intimate. This was mainly for Jennie's sake, as she didn't want to do anything that she would unkindly do. It might make her assume she was trying to reach for a yard after taking an inch.

As for the people inside the company, they were a little surprised to see the couple appear together, but they had already gotten over it. Nonetheless, watching the married couple enter and exit the company still turned people green with jealousy.

In the wake of Jennie and Lisa's increased public interactions, more and more news about them came up on television, in newspapers, and in magazines. Mother Kim worked on controlling the direction of the news, but she no longer suppressed the quantity.

As the matter of fact, she was fanning the flames instead. Before long, the pictures of her daughter and in-law standing together seemed to be everywhere. There were many heated debates on whether Lisa and Jennie's relationship was "Lisa is capable, and Jennie is beautiful" or "Jennie is capable, and Lisa is beautiful." However, that was the minority.

The masses hadn't stopped discussing the couple's marriage yet. The topics that garnered the most discussion were "Who pursued who?" and "Are they happy together?" Lisa's official webpage had long been flooded by messages from her fans.

Because both she and Jennie refrained from openly responding to the discussions, the reporters had to resort to tailing them. The difference was that the reporters were smarter this time and stuck with only taking pictures instead of asking questions.

Jennie and Lisa parted in the elevator. The former watched her get off and spoke up just before the doors closed, "We're eating dinner together."

Meals should not be skipped, no matter how busy Lisa was with work. Even if she couldn't cook for her, she should at least be able to eat with her, right?

Maybe it was because every single point she'd gotten so far was during meal times, but she had eventually become especially persistent about eating. She thought it was the best way to get closer to Lisa.

Lisa and her group returned to the office. Teddy started blinking at Lisa, and he kept doing it until the actress' expression darkened. She said coldly, "If you have something to say, say it."

"Tut-tut. Queen Kim, ah. She accompanied you for lunch, and now she's waiting for you to eat dinner. In order to disclose your relationship, she put herself in the spotlight too. Oh, this kind of love is so enviable," Teddy remarked with sincerity. Listening to him, Lisa felt a bit awkward.

Love? Although she didn't know why Jennie was so insistent about eating with her, their interactions were not lovey-dovey at all. They'd said no more than five words to each other during lunch. Oftentimes, she felt like Jennie was unwilling to eat with her. It was as if she was doing it for a certain reason.

Lisa pondered over what that reason might be and decided that it was probably for the public. When she got back and saw the photos the reporters had taken of them earlier, she was all the more convinced of her speculation.

Was there something Jennie had to show their "love" to?

By the end of the afternoon, Lisa and Teddy had finalized most of the main cast. Now they just had to see if the people they'd selected were open. As dinner time neared, Lisa began to lose her concentration. Time and time again, she would check her watch and then glance at the doorway. Clearly, she was waiting for Jennie.

As Teddy and Seulgi watched, they secretly rolled their eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll be going then. I'll contact these actors and tell you if I get any news back." Teddy quickly fled.

"Lalisa, I'm going too. I wish you and sister-in-law a happy dinner." Seulgi didn't want to be a lightbulb anymore, so she also slipped away.

Lisa fell into a slight daze. Seulgi referring Jennie as her "sister-in-law" filled her heart with sweetness. Although she hadn't really made any progress with Jennie, after disclosing their relationship, there were some things that had changed.

For example, the attitudes of those around them. Sometimes, their gazes would pull Lisa into the illusion that she and Jennie were truly in love with each other, but those illusions would only last for a fleeting moment. Nonetheless, those fleeting moments of happiness and sweetness were enough to keep her satisfied for a long time.

How nice would it be if they could become a real, loving couple one day?

This extravagant wish had become the greatest wish of her life.

Jennie unceremoniously pushed open the door, and when she stepped in, the first thing she saw was Lisa sitting there, deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" She seemed to be hopeful yet troubled at the same time, which puzzled her.

"You're here. Should we eat out, or go home and eat?" She was clearly trying to change the subject, as she was genuinely afraid to tell Jennie what she was really thinking.

Occasionally, she would think about what the outcomes might be if she confessed to her, and none of them ever ended happily. Based on her understanding of Jennie, she would reject her and then alienate her even more.

It wasn't that she didn't have the courage to confess her feelings, it was that she didn't have the courage to accept a more tragic treatment from her. Even if Jennie didn't love her, she didn't want to be detested more.

Jennie looked at the troubled Lisa and decided not to prob. Instead, she gave a nod and prompted, "Let's go home, your food is good."

The woman's mood was heavy, and she was bad at expressing herself. On top of that, Lisa didn't seem willing to share her worries with her either.

This was a bad habit. Very bad. Jennie wondered if there were any good ways to change it.

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