Chapter 41: Cooperation Issues

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Kim Taehyung's call surprised Lisa, and the reason for the call only surprised her more.

“… we’ve been working on this project for a long time, so there shouldn’t be any problems with it. If you’re interested, you can come to the company tomorrow and sign the contract,” Taehyung said straightforwardly. He didn’t try to beat around the bush; after all, Lisa was family now.

The “project” referred to the development of a tourist resort. Father Kim was in charge of the Kim family’s intelligence organization, but his assumed business was in the hospitality field.

Although Taehyung played a very small role in the project, he held enough authority to offer his sister-in-law a part in it.

Lisa knew about this project; in fact, everyone in the Capital knew about it, and plenty of them wanted to partake in it. Unfortunately for them, the Kim family had no lack of money or connections, which meant they had no need for business partners.

Getting an offer for the project was completely out of her expectations. She felt indecisive. Obviously, she didn’t want to pass up on this huge opportunity, especially when it was Taehyung who took the initiative. It would be tactless to reject, but if she accepted so easily, wouldn’t that make her look bad too?

But why was the Kim family making her, of all people, this offer? Did Jennie know about it? She was certain that the Kim family was still oblivious to the real nature of their marriage. Could it be that they were misunderstanding something?

“Does Jennie know about this?” Lisa asked hesitantly.

“She knows, and she wholeheartedly approves.” Taehyung instantly caught on to Lisa's misgivings, which actually improved his impression of Lisa. An authoritative woman who knew to consult with her family for certain things was a good woman.

As a matter of fact, Taehyung felt that Lisa was well-suited for his little sister.

His sister learned to be independent from an early age. She was full of her own ideas, stubborn enough to give others headaches, and she wasn’t very good-tempered. Only a tolerant and gentle person would be able to handle her.

At first, Taehyung assumed that because she and Lisa were too similar, they wouldn’t get along at all. Looking at it now though, Taehyung was very pleased with Lisa's character

Even so, it was necessary to continue observing her.

“Lisa, take some time to think over it. Tell me once you’ve made your decision.” Taehyung was considerate enough to end the call on that note.

After hanging up, Lisa thought for a moment and decided that it would be best to inform Jennie. She would be crossing the line if she agreed to do business with the Kim family, especially since Jennie already had the impression that Lisa only married her for her money. If she accepted the offer, Jennie would probably think even less of her.

She tried the study first, but there was no response. Hesitantly, she headed for her bedroom and gave a slightly nervous knock.

Jennie had already taken a bath and changed into her pajamas. She was preparing to sleep but was not surprised when she heard the knock at her door.

“Come in.” She took a seat on her bed.

Pushing open the door, Lisa steeled herself and walked in. To her, Jennie's bedroom had always been a forbidden area, so she was admittedly a bit… frightened.


Once again, she saw her aggressively rubbing her hair with a towel. Recalling how she had helped her dry her hair in Kim Manor, she couldn’t help but say, “Let me help you.”

The casual way Jennie handed her the towel made it seem like it was a normal thing. Lisa had gotten better at the task, and Jennie enjoyed the comfort of being served.

Drying her hair used to be troublesome because she never liked to use blow dryers, and she would always hurt her scalp when she used a towel. How nice it was to have someone do it for her now.

“Did you know that Brother and I had a talk about cooperating?” She asked, testing the waters.

“I know.” It was late. Jennie knew that she would want to talk about this.

“I think that would be… unbefitting.” After all, she wasn’t a real member of the Kim family. Partaking in such a big project was not appropriate, though of course, Lisa was more worried about arousing Jennie's disgust.

“Unbefitting? How is it unbefitting?” the latter asked, puzzled. Her head moved as she tried to look at Lisa. Afraid she might hurt Jennue somehow, her hands stopped before she responded, “I assume the Kim family doesn’t need my money. Did Brother contact me because he wants me to do business?”

“Mhm. My father is too busy, and my brother is always abroad. Having you manage the domestic business is only fitting.”

The Kim family’s business was too big, with too little people to run it. Father, Mother, and Brother Kim were all extremely busy people. Now that Lisa was in the family, it was only natural for her to get a role too.

“You trust me?” Surprise and some delight caused her voice to take on an excited tone.

“Of course.” If she didn’t trust Lisa, then there was probably no one else in the world who deserved her trust. Luckily, she did have quite a few reliable people by her side.

Lisa laughed. She felt like recently, every day was New Years Day. Every day, there was a gift and a surprise. She was getting along better with Jennie, and she was treating her well. As a matter of fact, she was treating her so well that she almost couldn’t believe it.

“Jennie, would you really not mind if I joined the Kim family business? Our relationship… the way things stand… would it be appropriate?” Although she wanted to, she was hesitant.

“Our relationship? How do things stand? Why wouldn’t it be appropriate?” As Jennie shot out those questions in succession, she looked at Lisa with evident surprise and a trace of discontentment. She didn’t understand why she would ask her that. What was inappropriate about family members doing business together?

They stared at each other. Facing Jennie's disbelief, Lisa didn’t know how to respond. Like her, she was confused about why Jennie asked her those questions. Wasn’t their marriage just a contractual marriage?

Since it was a contractual marriage, shouldn’t he stay out of the Kim family’s business affairs? Jennie definitely knew this too, so why was she handling it this way?

Lisa was confused. Jennie was discontented. They were unable to get anywhere because one of them didn’t know how to start, and the other was completely oblivious.

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