Chapter 33: The Culinary Arts Function

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As the twilight faded into darkness, Lisa and Jennie felt more and more complicated about their situation. Although they were both still awake, neither seemed to have any intentions of opening their mouth. Their eyes were closed as they sunk into their thoughts about the person lying next to them, among other things.

They assumed that it would be hard to fall asleep because it was their first time sharing a bed with each other, but as they lost themselves to their thoughts, their minds eventually dragged them into the oblivion of sleep.

However, in the middle of the night, Lisa woke up to the weight of someone lying on her chest. She didn't know when, but Jennie had moved in her sleep.

How was she supposed to fall back asleep when the woman she loved was draped over her?

Nervous, her Adam's apple bobbed, and she tried to remain completely motionless as she surrendered her body for Jennie to use as a pillow.

Unfortunately, staying still didn't spare her from the indescribable sensation of Jennie’s wonderful softness. She didn't know how she was supposed to endure it, but even if she couldn't endure it, she had to endure it!

The painful night dragged on as she chanted to herself, endure it, endure it, endure it.


At daybreak, Jennie was the first to wake up. It was probably because she'd slept soundly all night. Her eyes were still closed when she sensed that there was an unnatural heat source surrounding her body. It was warm and strange to the touch.

She rubbed and pinched at it as her mind gradually cleared, and then she tried to sit up by using the "bed" as her leverage. Right as she discovered that it wasn't the bed, the pressure she placed on the woman's chest startled Lisa awake, and she opened her eyes just in time to see Jennie hovering above her.

Vexation could be seen on Jennie’s face. When their eyes abruptly met, she was stunned into a momentary daze. The two stared at each other, both seemingly clueless on how they should react.

"Good morning, it's time to wake up." The first one to regain her composure was Jennie. Even though her expression had reverted back to its usual cold indifference, anyone would be able to spot the lingering trace of annoyance in it if they looked closely enough.

Despite her best efforts to feign calmness as she moved her hand off of Lisa’s chest and hurriedly escaped into the bathroom, it wasn't hard to tell that she was flustered.

"Good morning," Lisa answered in a low voice, well after she got off the bed. Through the sight of her fleeing back, she could sense her embarrassment, which she couldn't help but find cute. The corners of her lips curved to form a pretty arch.

Fortunately, the System had stopped sending out notifications after the first task was completed; otherwise, Jennie’s hackles definitely would've raised in embarrassment.

After changing out of her pajamas, she left the bathroom. Lisa went in after her.

Jennie started to tidy up her things. When she caught sight of the delicate pistol she had gotten from her brother, it reminded her that she'd never tried out the Space Dimension function.

With a thought, she succeeded in making the pistol disappear, and then a System panel popped up showing the pistol inside. Her interest piqued, she thought again and the pistol reappeared in her hand.

Lisa came out of the bathroom just in time to see her holding the pistol. She raised an eyebrow and chose to not say anything about it. After all, she'd always known that the Kim family wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Although Jennie never told her anything about the inner workings, the other Kim family members were more open. Once a while, she would catch something from the conversations she had with them. However, she knew very little of the details.

As for the pistol, she didn't think it was very strange for Jennie to have one, but she was curious about what she planned to do with it.

The gears in her heads turned, and she thought of the Lee family. A sharp glint appeared in her eyes.

She felt that it was about time she did something. She couldn't have Jennie protect her all the time.


Several days passed. As before, Lisa busied herself with preparations for her new film. Meanwhile, Jennie was getting ready for her System Upgrade.

She walked around the kitchen looking for coffee beans, but once she found them, she felt troubled. She didn't know how to brew coffee.

Her first thought was to go find one of the servants, Wang-jie, and ask for help. However, 001 chimed in before she could.

【 Master, the Culinary Arts function can give you a basic tutorial on how to make coffee. It's very easy to understand, and the coffee will taste delicious. Do you want to try it? The System's Culinary Arts and Medical Prowess functions are both very useful. They're really, really, really awesome! 】

001 tilted its little head to one side, seemingly waiting, hopefully, for Jennie to agree.

That was when she remembered that the System had a cooking function. She'd never thought about cooking before, so it had slipped her mind. She wanted to try it out, so she activated it.

Booting System Culinary Arts Function...

A virtual screen appeared before her, presenting a long list of foods and drinks from a variety of foreign cuisines to individual snacks and desserts. Just looking at all of it made Jennie feel dizzy.

【 Master, this is the catalog. Since you want to make coffee, just select the coffee option. It's very convenient! 】001 gushed.

Jennie selected the coffee option only to see a whole new catalog showing Blue Mountain, latte, cappuccino, Vienna, and so on.

However, this time she wasn't overwhelmed and went directly to the Blue Mountain option.

Blue Mountain boosted a light fragrance and an exquisite flavor. It was Jennie’s favorite, and she'd seen Lis drink it on several occasions, so she probably liked it too.

The System was exemplary. It provided a detailed rundown of the coffee-making process, as well as an alarm function. Everything from the quality and quantity of the coffee beans to the temperature of the water and how long the beans had to be kept in the water was covered.

Whenever she did something wrong, the System would alert her.

However, even with all the help, it took her several tries before she finally managed to produce a good enough pot of coffee. Nonetheless, it must be mentioned that the coffee cooked under the System's guidance tasted exceptional.

All of a sudden, Jennie thought of something. She asked the System cautiously, "001, would the System issue more cooking missions in the future?"

She'd always had a feeling that the Culinary Arts function was given to her for a reason. The first Upgrade Mission required her to make a cup of coffee. Did that mean the next Upgrade Mission would require her to cook a whole meal?

【 Master, I cannot reveal the System Missions in advance. 】

"Then what are you good for? Playing cute?"

【 Master, are you bullying me? I'm very useful! 】 001 huffed with an expression of being wronged.

"What are you useful for?" Jennie asked skeptically. She believed that the System itself was much more useful than this 001, who could do nothing but play cute.

【 I can help Master pursue Ms. Lisa! 】


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