Chapter 40: Whatever You Like

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The pair turned and entered the company hand-in-hand, leaving the reporters in a frenzy behind them. Although the reporters had been thoroughly reprimanded by Queen Kim and Film Empress Lisa, the couple had given them the answer they wanted. They all rushed to get in touch with their respective companies.

Soon after, everything Lisa and Jennie had said in front of Resplendent Entertainment was released to the public. Once again, the public witnessed Kim Jennie's arrogance. While she received both admiration and criticism for her temperament, Lisa Manoban received mainly approval.

It was to be expected, as she had portrayed herself as a woman deeply in love. Even though there were still people who didn’t believe her, but most people were willing to trust that Jennie and Lisa were genuinely in love.

Anyway, Lisa had indeed been telling the truth. If she didn’t love Jennie, she wouldn’t have agreed to a contractual marriage.

Jennie had also been telling the truth. The two prideful individuals disdained to lie and deceive the public, so neither of them had spoken falsely.

How Lisa and Jennie viewed each other’s address, on the other hand, was a different story.

Lisa believed that everything Jennie said was just to satisfy the public. Jennie believed Lisa had been telling the truth and that she loved her very much.

Their contrasting lines of thought made it so that one was dubious but afraid to ask, and the other was convinced and thus didn’t see a need to ask. One felt conflicted, and the other felt very pleased. The former was Lisa, and the latter was Jennie, who had all the reason to feel so confident.

Just like that, they both dropped the matter.


Over the next few days, the world was abuzz with talk of Queen Kim and Film Empress Lisa. However, the parties involved paid no heed as they immersed themselves in their own affairs.

For the sake of completing her Accumulation Mission, Jennie had started to pay very close attention to Lisa. She noticed everything from her eating habits to her action habits and her speaking habits to her preferences for her daily necessities.

Unfortunately, even so, the picky System did not give her any points. It made her feel somewhat depressed.

Meanwhile, Lisa had the new task of being the little tortoise’s caretaker. She had to wash it, feed it, and take it outside to sunbathe. The little tortoise should’ve been easy to take care of, but that wasn’t the case; it was a little too hyperactive, so she would have to find it first before she could take care of it.

From time to time, it would disappear to some corner of the villa and then clumsily crawl out again. Sometimes, it would come from under a bed or sofa, and other times it would be in the bathtub or study.

The little tortoise liked to climb trees even more than it liked to get lost, so every now and then, it would tumble down from the branch of a tree and render its onlookers speechless.

Still, there was something indescribably cute about its ditziness. Eventually, Lisa had come to realize why Jennie named the little tortoise the way she did—it was stupidly cute.

One day, Lisa arrived home first. She made dinner and waited for Jennie to return. Looking around the room, she realized that the little tortoise was missing again, so she left to find it.

When Jennie came back from work, she saw the food on the table, but not Lisa. She set out to look for her and found her right when Lisa found the tortoise. She was holding it by its shell.

“Cutie, how about I get you a compass to prevent you from getting lost again at home?” Lisa stared into the tortoise’s beady little eyes. To Jennie's amusement, Lisa sounded like she was serious.

“If you don’t like it running around, put it in a cage or a fish tank,” Jennie interjected. To her, little animals had no human rights, so there was no need to consider their freedom.

“I already bought a fish tank and put it in my study, but it keeps escaping,” Lisa said helplessly. She had never seen such an extraordinary tortoise before. It hated confinement and loved to run around.

“You can use a fish tank with a lid,” Jennie suggested. As someone who had never raised a pet before, she naturally did not understand Lisa's dilemma.

Lisa laughed and dismissed Jennie's suggestion, “It’s fine to let Cutie out if that’s what it wants, I think it’ll grow up happier this way.”

“Whatever you like” Jennie agreed, not minding at all. She didn’t know where the little thing came from, but she reckoned it was tenacious and wouldn’t die easily. Lisa could raise it however he wanted.

Lisa was visibly stunned by her words. After a brief moment, she recovered and revealed a happy smile.


That evening, the Lee family was finally able to confirm that their company was secretly being acquired. They immediately threw up their guard and counterattacked, but it was too late. They’d already lost a substantial amount of shares.

When they traced back the source of acquisition, they discovered that it wasn’t just one group on the move. The Kim family was involved, as well as a new venture capital company. This new company was either devising against the Lee family or trying to make a profit from kicking them while they were down.

Either way, it added to the Lee family’s misfortunes.

That same evening, Kim Taehyung gave his sister a call. He filled her in on his side of the situation and also gave her some insight on how Lisa's side was doing. Jennie was satisfied.

“Brother, we don’t have to drop the knife so fast. Let the Lee family suffer from panic for a few days.”

“Okay. We’ll do whatever you want.”

“Thanks, Big Brother. Is there anything else?”

“… It’s about my sister-in-law, your wife. The company she started is developing well. I have some business here that I would like to ask for her cooperation on. Would you mind?”

Since his little sister had acknowledged Lisa, Taehyung had already accepted Lisa as a real family member. Profits should be shared between one’s own people.

Jennie understood what her brother was implying and responded calmly, “Of course I don’t mind. With Big Brother’s help, I can be rest assured.”

“I’ll contact her then.”

“Alright, thank you.” This represented not only business cooperation but also support and recognition for Lisa. Jennie couldn’t be more pleased.

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