chapter 21~friend group

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The second day, I found out why Kenji was in a bad mood, and that information made me lose all the nerves in me.


"WHAT No, YOU can't DO THIS TO me." I have never lost my temper with them.

"It's for your own safety," Dorian says.

"I can protect myself, I swear, and protect from who I'm probably the oldest there," I state.

"Sorry azalea"

I can't believe that Kenji will be babysitting me. Dorian asked him to come to school with me as a 'guard' or whatever.

He will be wearing the same uniform and pretending to be a student.

"Ugh, I hate you." I storm out of the room.

End of the flashback.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that to Dorian; I will apologize to him later, but for now I have better things to deal with, like Kenji pretending to be an 18-year-old student.

Now that I think about it, I don't even know how old he is; it's not like I can ask him. He's mad, and I understand he doesn't want to be here.

The bell rings, and teachers come in.

"Hello to everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. Today we have new students whose names are Azalea and Kenji. Please be nice to them and make them feel welcomed. Now for the lesson." Everyone started to look at us.

I look over at Kenji to see if he's uncomfortable, but the sigh of him talking and whispering to someone proves me wrong.

Well, at least he's doing great.

"Hey, my name is Rory," some girl says to me.

"I'm azalea"

"I know the teacher said it; I will show you around after the lesson."

"Okay," I smile.

I started to listen to the teacher. It's kind of hard to believe I'm in school.

My life is getting better; who would have guessed, not me?

Teachers here are different; in Russia, they are more aggressive, but here they know words like 'please' and 'thank you.

Students in the back don't really listen. I realize that there are two types of students: those who actually study in the front seat and those in the back who don't.

After the class ended, Rory started to show me where everything is located: bathrooms, library, dining hall, and quiet places if I need to be alone.

She's been staring into my eyes from time to time.

God, don't think that I think they are weird; the total opposite, I love them," she says about my eyes.

"Thank you; I'm just used to getting hateful about them."

"You're kidding, right?" I shake my head.

"That's because they are jealous; anyway, let's go."

"Where?" I ask.

"You will see."

We go to the dining hall and go to the table where other people sit.

"Guy, this is Azalea, the new student," she introduces me.

"Hi," I say shyly and smile.

"I'm James," one says.

"I'm molly" another girl says.

"It's nice to meet you."

"We have one more in our friend group, but he's not here."

I hear someone coming towards us; maybe it's Kenji.

"Wow, who is she?" I hear someone say, and it's not Kenji.

"Oh, we were talking about you just now, Drake."

"Hello there," he greets.

"Hi, I'm Azalea." I smile.

"Pretty name, I'm Drake."

We start to get to know each other; they are pretty cool; Rory is the one who studies the most; James is chill and quiet; Molly Loves gossip; and Drake is like an energetic one.

I went inside the classroom. It's my last class. I am tired but not as much as I was back in Russia. Back there, I was loaded with bad energy. Was it the teacher who didn't like me for the way I looked, aka wasn't too Russia-looking, or the students who made me feel weird for my eyes and eye scar?

I just noticed that no one has asked me about the scar; they're probably trying to be nice.

"And that's all for today. See all of you tomorrow."

"Thank God it was our last calass," I hear Drake say.

"Oh, I didn't see you here."

"I was in the back seat." We started to walk.

"Are you with the bus or-"

"One of my brothers will pick me up."

"One of," he questions

"Yeah," I hear honking noise and see Henry.

"That's my ride; oh, do you have one? If not, I can."

"Don't worry, I have my car." We say our goodbyes and go sit in the car, in the back seat, which was taken by Kenji.

"I didn't see you getting in," I say to Kenji.

"You took forever getting here."

"I was talking to a friend," I state.

"Oh, a friend?" Henry asks.

"Yup, I met Rory in my first class, and she introduced me to her friend group; they are really nice, and she also told me that she likes my eyes." I say, not realizing I'm smiling.

"Does that mean your first day at school went well?"


"I'm glad," he says, giving me a sideways smile and continuing to drive.

Azalea Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora