chapter 11~white top is all red

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I smell blood.

"What's wrong?" Owen asks.

"Nothing" other than you smell like blood

Something isn't right here.

They were gone for five hours. I know it's none of my business, but I know someone was badly harmed, and looking at them, I see no injury, so they were the ones who were doing the harm.

Theo looks overstimulated, just like I look when something snaps, and does what I had to to survive back when I was kidnapped.

"Y'all need a shower; I'm going to my room."

I walk to my room. Dorian isn't home, so it's just me, Theo, Henry, and Kenji.

I look at the clock and see it's two hours till dinner; a small nap won't hurt.


I woke up four hours later.

Small nap, right

But it's strange that no one woke me up for dinner; my stomach grumbled, and I decided to go to the kitchen.

I came out of my room but then heard an unfamiliar voice—a man's voice.

Do we have a guest? But closer I got to the stairs, I could hear they were no guests.

His voice was aggressive; he was threading.

I quickly go back to my room and grab the baseball bat that I brought a few days ago.

I go quietly downstairs and see Henry, who looks out of his senses; Theo, who's the same; and Kenji.

They are all tied up; I only see two men, and only one of them has a gun.

One with tattoos is close to me. He's also the one who has a gun. I get close to him, and the bat goes straight to his head.

He loses his balance and falls.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asks.

"What are you doing in my house?" I ask with the same aggressive tone.

"Huh, little one, do you really think you can do any harm to us?" he laughs.

I suddenly feel hands grabbing my waist. I lift my legs up along with all my weight and quickly descend. I hit the back of my head on his face. He lets me go, and then I put my leg between his as hard as I could.

I take the gun and point at the man standing next to Henry.

"Azalea, stop!" I hear Kenji's voice. I look in his direction.

"Shoot if you dare," the man says, taking the gun and pointing at Henry.

"Put the damn gun down," I hear another voice say.

I look at Kenji, and he gives me a hint to do so.

So there are three of them.

"Well, bravo, if I may say, little one is a fasty one." He takes the needle, and cold sweat covers me.

"You are going to come to me slowly, so your dear brother won't get shot," he says calmly. "If you understand, nod," so I nodded.

"Take the gun from his head," I demand.

"Oh, okay, okay," he says, giving another man a hint to do so.

I slowly walk as I look at almost-passed-out Henry, Theo, and not-so-bad-looking Kenji. Did the drug not work on him?

"It will hurt only for a second, okay," he says, and he prepares the needle.

"Before you get unconscious, be good and tell me where your older brother is."

"In his room," I lie

"Where is it?"

"I can show it to you."

He starts laughing, "Do you think I'm stupid? Say it now." He yells

"Second floor, on the left side, big black door," I explain. You may ask why I told him.

because he's not home.

"Jay, bring him to me; tell him not to do anything funny; I have a little girl."

He walks away, and as soon as he disappears, the same thing goes from him in the back of my head to his face.

I make him drop the needle and quickly inject whatever is in it into him.

"You bitch," he said, and in a matter of seconds, he couldn't get up and passed out.

I started to look for some kind of weapon and finally found a gun and a knife.

I run to my brothers to cut the rope, but suddenly I feel a fist coming to my head, and I fall.

The guy I hit with a baseball bat stood up and sat on my body.

"Stop it!" I shout as he puts all of his weight on me.

He starts to take off my hoodie. Thank God I'm wearing that white top as a bra that I brought that day.

I held the knife, and second, I knew the white top was all red.

He's fucking dead.

I took the knife, but he moved, so I did what I had to, took the knife out of him, and stabbed him countless times.

I look at the boys, and Henry is passed out. Theo and Kenji are looking at me in disbelief.

I took the gun from him and stood up. And secondly, I see something flying into my face, but I quickly move and see Mand, who went to look after Dorian.

I feel derealization, like everything feels like a dream, like nothing matters, and while I'm thinking that I'll pull the trigger and shoot him directly on the forehead, the second and third bullets go to his heart.

I see the main door opening, fearing that more men will appear, but the only one I see is

Dorian with widened eyes.

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