The End~

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Jungkook was sitting on the carpeted floor, legs splattered and eyes focusing at the light off white color of the carpet soft carpet, with a ring being swirled in his index finger and thumb. A ring. Wedding ring. The one he wore to Taehyung without any thoughts, determination, sincerity and love was now in his hands.

The smooth surface of the ring itched the tips of his fingers, digging deeper in his flesh. It hurt. Feeling that ring in his strong hands felt like ruining his own heart and soul. Even though, it was his own heart which never felt at peace upon seeing that ring shining so proudly in Taehyung dainty fingers, becuase the emptiness filled in it always laughed at him.

But now, it....hurt. It really hurt to have that ring back.

When Taehyung had left, Jungkook had taken a shower with his mind already occupied with Taehyung's thoughts. He didn't know from where to start, becuase the building which Taehyung had told him to build up had crumbled down. It had crashed down and had converted into tiny bits and pieces.

Until now, Jungkook didn't even know where to go and start building it up again. Many pieces were lost. Many were destroyed to the point of losing their identity, totally annihilated. His mind was too absorbed in thinking of the ways to fix the building blocks of their relationship which he had demolished unintentionally, when the door bell had rang.

Upon opening the door with little hopes of seeing Taeyung standing at the other side of the door, he had seen no one. No one. Just when he was about to close the door, his gaze accidentally fell over an envelope. A white envelope.

Squinting his brows in confusion, he had bent down and picked them up, and saw that it was addressed to him. Opening it eagerly, he sat on the bed only to feel a ring falling from inside the envelope, with a red string wrapped around it.

Holding the string, he witnessed a tiny white colored folded paper and upon opening it he started reading,


Am sure I don't have to tell who it is. I don't know why am I even writing this when I could come and simply hand over it to you. But..I think it's better, because I was afraid that we'll end up fighting and am not gonna be able to explain my true intentions behind this act.

I gave your ring back to you. You and me both know that it was of no use to me, as you were compelled to slide it in my finger. Wedding rings.....I bet they feel good against your skin when someone who wears you with utmost love and passion. But...I never got to feel that, and don't think I am hoping for you to wear me that ring with pure love and stirring feelings.

I don't have those type of hopes from you, nor I think I'll have in my future. But undoubtedly, now that we are both honest with each other, I would like to be honest and open about my feelings too.

This means too much to me, because it came from you. But your sharp gaze, disgusted stares, harsh words and absence of any pleasing feeling is seeped into every tiny particles of this ring, which results in it hurting the portions where it touches my skin. My ring finger vibrates with the weight of those nasty feelings resting in it.

Now, as you said, you wish to give us a chance, right? Then right, am allowing you to have your chance. I won't stop you from anything, like anything. Just know, that am not doing it to take the revenge of what you did, because I have no right to as we weren't committed to each other from the cores of our hearts.

But, am just afraid. My heart is scared. My soul is already shrunken and shaken up. just being cautious for my own sake. That's it.

Am not asking you to prove your words not becuase I wish to hurt you in return or make you feel miserable, No. I would never do that becuase I wasn't raised like that. It's just my heart really wants to believe you, the warm feeling residing in your eyes, and the reason behind your gentle touches, but it can't. No matter how I try to force it to believe you, it isn't. It won't.

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