Affection And Care

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Jungkook was sitting on the stool in the kitchen, after bandaging his girlfriend's hand. After when Taehyung left the sight of his face with blood trickling down had wrecked his heart. It hurt. So much. He didn't want to punch him or even hurt him. He just wanted to stop him from coming closer to his girlfriend. Nothing more.

Now, sitting alone in the kitchen after dropping his girlfriend back at her home his mind was only taken up by one face and name.


He may didn't know him. He didn't know anything about him. But surely the emotions and feelings which covered his eyes at that time weren't the same as he always watched Jungkook. Those emotions aroused a deep nasty feeling inside his heart. His huge blue colored eyes when looked up at him, he felt like those feelings in Taehyung’s eyes crawling upto his heart and coiling around it.

From the time he entered the mansion, he kept pacing in the kitchen back and forth, mind taken up by Taehyung and his condition. And a huge guilt that he hurt him. He hurt him. His husband. Someone who his parents handed over to him with trust and love. And what he ended up doing to him? He ended up wrecking his soul.

Feeling restless and heart sinking lower and lower as the time passed, he cursed under his breath and ran upstairs towards the direction of Taehyung’s room.

He knew Taehyung wouldn't like him there. Of course, he hated him as much Jungkook hated him. But even the thought or Taehyung hating him and not desiring him in his room didn't stop Jungkook from reaching Taehyung’s door and knocking at it gently with his heart thudding against his heart.

He knocked at the door and stood there for a moment, waiting for Taehyung to come out and open the door. But no one came.

At once, he felt his heart getting twisted by the possibility of Taehyung running away from home.

" No- no. He- he cannot. He cannot leave. " He shaked his head, mumbling lowly to himself with his legs wobbling under the weight of the thought.

Waiting at the door for a few more minutes, he inhaled in a deep breath before he opened the door by himself. He went in with hesitant and shaky steps looking around the room, only to see the room being empty. No one was there.

His eyes widened on their own, throat clenching making it impossible for him even to breathe, " He- he can't leave. Wher- where he will go? " He whispered to himself, looking around the room.

Just then his eyes landed on the opened door of the washroom. His eyes kept themselves focused on the washroom for a quite long time that his eyes stinged. Blinking down repeatedly, he gulped before he made his way towards the bathroom holding onto the last thin hope that he might be there.

Walking upto the door he knocked at it gently, but nothing came. There was silence again. No one answered, as if he really left. Feeling himself being drenched in the fear of his sweat, he swallowed the lump against his throat and went inside the washroom with trembling legs. Reaching the washroom, at first it seemed empty which had his knees buckling, but then suddenly his eyes landed on Taehyung's legs which were being hung from the bathtub.

Breathing heavily, he ran upto him, only to see Taehyung's eyes closed and face looking like lifeless. Hastily, he immediately took Taehyung's body out of the bathtub resulting in his own clothes getting wet with the cold water in the process which had goosebumps rising over his body in a second.

Taehyung's body was freezing. His white washed skin had turned into pale yellow one. His pink rosy lips had turned into bright blue, with his body frozen under Jungkook’s hold.

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