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Jeongin walked through his house tiredly, he didn't get that much sleep that night due to the loud music coming from outside his house, a festival was happening and he just so happened to live right beside downtown. Beside the small coffee shop that - in jeongin's opinion - sold the best coffee and had pretty good snacks for when he was just hungry. Jeongin's life was slowly getting better, until that night he decided to go to the festival.

 -- should i put a tw for these next few paragraphs idk

Jeongin strolled through the festival, dressed up pretty warm due to the colder Seoul weather. He also wore headphones to tone out the loud korean music playing in the streets and the confetti strings connecting through the tall buildings, and people dressed up in their hanboks, some were shivering from the breeze. He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head in confusion when he saw a girl, but he could see through her. At first, he'd thought he'd saw things, but no, it really was a translucent little girl, strolling the roads with no guardian or anything. He ignored it, it was none of his business. 

He strolled the streets and stopped nearby at a cafe, he walked in only to see yet another translucent little girl. She was around 14, maybe vietnamese or somewhere in the southeast asian descent. She had bangs, long black hair and glasses. She didn't look lost, confused, just . . . tired. She had eye bags, very noticeable eye bags. She had on a sweater that was dark blue, and some jeans that were a bit baggy on her, along with converse. She had on earmuffs and was just simply, sitting there, staring out of a window and watching all of the people out there. As she slowly turned around, his heart skipped a beat. The little girl's face was messed up, - literally - her left eye was missing - to where you could see behind her through the socket - and she had a giant gash in her head. His eyes widened as she gave him a messed up smile, her mouth was red, a bloody red. 

He immediately walked out quickly without trying to make it obvious something was wrong. He bit his lip anxiously and ran away, off into the crowds. 'SHIT! What the fuck was that?! what was wrong with that kid?' He thought in his head as he fidgeted with his bag straps. He looked around and saw others like that, but with other deformities. 

One, an older girl about his age maybe, with a giant slit in her torso that could've split her in half. Another, a late-teenager who had one side of his head missing, his whole head and body bloody, but yet he was still smiling. Jeongin was so panicked he could feel himself about to faint. 


Jeongin literally jumped, feeling a hand slither onto his shoulder. He recognized the voice however, it was Chan's. His heart calmed as he heard the welcoming voice. Jeongin turned around and hugged Chan instantly. 

"oh- um.. are you feeling okay? "

As Jeongin began to explain the sightings it became excruciatingly obvious Chan didn't believe him. Chan just pat his back and comforted him despite not believing a word he just spoke / rambled about. Chan just thought that since the incident, he was just going through some things. He didn't want to make Jeongin feel invalid so he just listened, comforted and made sure he felt safe now, yes it looked crazy that they were just cuddled up on a busy sidewalk, but they didn't care. Chan took Jeongin to walk around while the festival was still alive and young. 

But he didn't see everything Jeongin was. 


hi guys i wrote this at 11:06 and while in a tomie closet cosplay how are you guys doing

- author jisu

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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