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The blonde ran through the hallways of the house, his heart racing like his life was on the line - except his life WAS on the line. He couldn't believe he let his friends drag him to this haunted.. er, abandoned house. He didnt believe it was haunted, until now. He was terrified, hysterical i guess. Was he even going to make it out alive? The blonde's name is Yang Jeongin, a pretty popular and good lucking man. He's an influencer on instagram, but hes pretty private, he doesnt share every second of his life.. because he wants privacy, of course.

He'd always lived his life in harmony, apart from now as he was split up with his friends in this 1800's abandoned and now convincingly haunted house. Running away from who knows what was coming after him right now.

" AHHH!-"

He shrieked, suddenly slipping as he fell down on his bottom. His hands behind him to reduce the impact, but it still hurt quite a bit. He twitched his finger only to feel something liquidity between his fingers, and now that hes thinking about it, a metallic smell was fuming through the air as he breathed in into his nose. He picked up the phone that crashed onto the floor, hoping it didnt crack. He picked it up and turned it on,

" holy.. HOLY SHIT-"

Blood. All over his legs, hands, and now phone. His lip quivered desperately, he was hyperventilating now, his legs shook as he attempted to stand up, leaning his body weight on the wall and stumbling away slowly. All Jeongin could think about was ' shit.. im really going to die here arent i? im getting chased and im gonna die. Fuck my life, why me?'

His breath hitched as he felt a cold breath on his neck. His eyes widened and he stopped breathing. Jeongin clenched his fists, a gutty feeling overcoming him as he was terrified. He didnt know what to think. He didnt know wether to take off as fast as he could, or accept his fate and just end up dead in this house that was decades old. That cold sensation eventually wore off, his lip quivered as he saw a slight blue tint. He checked the time '6:07AM' Seriously? he was here all night? He stumbled towards that blue tint to realize, they were doors. Doors to get out. His eyes widened with hope as he clenched his phone and ran - well, ran slowly because his legs were so sore, he was running all night nonstop and he tripped pretty hard.

He ran into the doors as they bursted open, the sun was rising. He was shocked to see one of his friends still outside, on the verge of tears with a look on his face that just plastered worry, EXTREME worry. His eyes widened as he saw his friend burst out of the house.


The other, shorter blonde ran up to Jeongin and almost knocked him down as he hugged him tighter than he's ever hugged anyone.

" chan..? you're still.. here?"

" OF COURSE I AM, I wasn't going to leave you, i wouldn't leave until i saw you out of those doors.. BUT WHY ARE YOU BLOODY?!"

Chan cried on his shoulder,

" i- uh.. i crashed into a pile of blood..while getting chased by.. something."

" something? you mean someone?"

Jeongin coughed, clearing his throat as Chan let go of him tl make sure he had no injuries,

" yeah, sorry. 'Someone' i meant."


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