[ 7 ]

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Jeongin exhaled, laying on his bed sideways. He ended up not going out, to which Han understood. Han just took it as he thought he was mentally prepared to go out but he in reality wasnt. He was scrolling through his phone, cozily snuggled up in his blankets. He hadn't posted or gone really anywhere in a while, and he was really needed to go out somewhere but for today, he'd hopefully rest peacefully without Seungmin appearing again. He hadnt gotten a proper rest since the few weeks have been hectic for him.

His eyes drooped, feeling heavier as he tried to stay awake. Which was a struggle since he was about to fall asleep and it was pretty late already. He eventually gave in and fell asleep quickly.


When he woke up it was around 5pm and pretty breezy. He was in a fuzzy weighted blanket with his window slightly cracked open.

It was pretty late but the sun was still up. He was so tired, he felt like he could sleep the whole day if he wanted to.. but he decided to stay awake for a bit and scroll through instagram on his phone. He saw that he'd been missing out on basically everything and he hated it, he was seeing all the posts his friends' had made while he wasnt there, as he was reminiscing, he received a text.


hey :)

oh hi

you been alright?

yep just fine yk

thats good! you should
come hang with us tonight!
we're going to Hyunjin and Han's
at 9!

oohh alright, ill try to be there :)

i love you 💗

i love u too chan :)

Jeongin smiled and sighed, deciding to get ready early. He showered, did his skincare, brushed his teeth, picked out an outfit, and now he was finishing up his makeup and picking out a perfume to use. He did a little natural makeup but used concealer to cover his eyebags and blemishes and a lip stain to make his lips a little more pink. He checked himself out in the mirror before checking the time. 8:39 , basically time to go. It only took a few minutes to get to Han and Hyunjins house but.. He wanted to go get a snack before he got there.

He walked out to his living room, snatching the keys off the hanger and leaving his house. He looked around at the sky, seeing the sun turn a fiery red , orange and yellow. The gentle breeze caused goosebumps on his arms. He walked to his car and got into it, turning the heat on a little and waiting for the car to warm up.


He arrived pretty quickly with a few snacks in his bag and a few drinks, all of their favourites. He knocked on the door nervously, hearing the slightly overwhelmingly loud music vibrating onto his stairs and porch. He bit his lip as he saw the door open, Han.


Han yelled in excitement, basically jumping off the walls, embracing Jeongin in the longest - and tightest - hug he's had in a hot minute, when the rest of the group heard Han's excited yells, they all ran over and were admittedly surprised at the presence of their always absent friend, but nonetheless they all came for a big group hug.

They let him in and talked about their lives, how they'd been and all that stuff, but nobody dared to mention the house. Not Chan, not Jeongin, nobody. They all didnt want to make Jeongin uncomfortable or burden him with questions, so they decided to ease him since it was the first time he'd hung out with the rest of them in such a long time.

But still, they were curious, and curiosity kills the cat.


sorry this one is so bad and sorry for procrastinating haha lawls but i swear ill try to make the nextchapters interesting but yay heres this filler ig....  😟😟😟

- author jisu

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