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" who the fuck are you?"

Jeongin clenched his fists, he tried to speak with confidence, only for his voice to tremble and barely come out as a whimper.

" you don't remember me? What a pity.."

The paler male said, his voice soft, and gentle. Yet said with a hint of mischief.

" it's been what, a year or two? and you've forgotten me already? "

Jeongin gulped, fidgeting with the seams of his pants, his rings, anything in reach.

" Seungmin.." his voice embarrassingly trembled.

The man in his kitchen gave him a smile.

" so you do remember! I was starting to think i'd gotten a doppelganger!"

" but you arent Seungmin.. you.. you cant be.. he's.."

" dead. I know, "

Jeongin jumped as the other suddenly appeared right behind him,

" you poor thing.. you must be so devastated."

He twirled Jeongins hair between his fingers,

" losing somebody you love so fast, Why, i could only imagine.."

He whispered gently in Jeongins ear, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, his lip quivered in fear. A familiar gutty feeling overtaking him once more.

" just how you feel."

He felt a finger wrap around one of his belt hoops. Pulling him closer to the man who was assumingly 'Seungmin'

" what are.. what are you doing..?"

Seungmins fingers grazed over his stomach gently, before his touch vanished. Jeongin slowly turned around to see nobody, nobody at all in sight. He was confused, scared, and admittedly he was expecting for Seungmin to do something but thats besides the point,

He was breathing quite heavily by now, he collapsed on his couch. He began doing breathing exercises to calm himself down by the slightest.

" have i really gone insane , am i actually seeing shit now?!"

He balled up his fists, his pajama pants balling up in doing so. He was getting so frustrated, why was he here, who the hell was that? theres no way it was Seungmin, Seungmin has been dead for..

" 2 years.. just.. just like he .. said.."

He was trapped in a black hole of thoughts, all bad thoughts and he hated everything about it. He was so stressed out he was convinced he'd begin getting gray hairs at only 21 years old. It was getting ridiculous, it was to the point he hadnt eaten and he wouldn't leave his house. His friend group was seriously worried for him, but what was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to brush off the fact he'd probably just slipped in some maybe dead persons blood while he was getting hunted down like a hopeless animal?

He felt like he was overreacting, but with the amount of paranormal stuff that was happening to him over the week he left the house, there is no way it was all a coincidence. How is it that he'd..

- almost gotten hit by a car x3
- he almost fell off a balcony
- a whole shelf in a grocery store fell on him
- his coffee machine literally exploded, making glass go everywhere

and so much more. Could he even ever live his life normal again, amd most importantly where did that man go? people don't just disappear after they were right behind you.

Jeongin knew he had to have something to do with the house.


i think this is the most ive updated a story in the span of like a week

- jisu

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