Chapter 4: A Request

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7:31 am Main Hallway

(I was walking through the hall way and noticed that a lot of students were gathering at one place... I was curious on what's going on, and then realized that today is the day the examination results are gonna be shown)

(As I walked closely, someone accidentally bumped into me, which caused me to bump into someone else. Ugh, rude... As I dusted my self off someone came and spoke to me)
-Akira's Perspective

"You should really be careful you know.. "

"It wasn't my fault I bumped into you!, that was not intentional! "

"Right... "

"Anyways, other than the examination results being show, why are there a lot of people here? "

"Apparently the teachers placed a poster in the bulletin board, and it seems to be some sort of event coming in a few months... "

"Not only that, your classmates were quite surprised to see your grades rise up... "

(My eyes widened as I saw my self in second place.... Just right behind Zumi, where she's on first place as usual.. I couldn't believe that I've actually improved... Maybe it's because of Izuki's private lessons during lunch..... I mean we've been at it for a week and it seems like it's paying off...

My friends congratulated me for ranking second... I chatted with them for a bit, and felt really quite happy...

However, as I turned around to see Izuki, he wasn't there... My smile faded away as he had already left... I couldn't even get the chance to thank him... Hold up... Thank? "Him"!?

It's almost like I didn't wanna do it because he was a boy, but something keeps whispering in my mind to go see him... I excused my self and went to their classroom....)
-Akira's Perspective

7:31 am Class 2C

" Uhm, excuse me is Izuki here? "

" Huh!? Princess Akazari? "

-the students whispers amongst themselves. Confused on why she was looking for him.

"Just answer the damn question.. "

(They were quite surprised to hear this from me... Just then, someone walks up to me and asked...)

"What is it you want from Izuki"

"Uhm, sorry but may I ask your name? "

"I apologize for my rude behavior... I'm Class C's Class Representative ... The nnam's Sylvia.... Sylvia Izera... "

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Class A's Class Rep... Akazari... Akazari Akira... "

("Psst, Hey Jarett, why are they so formal?"

"I have no clue, just watch... "

-they whispered amongst themselves

"So, what is it you wish from Izuki? "

"Just a word with him if you would'nt mind... "

"If that's what you wish, then I can't simply help you with that... Anything other than that though I'm sure I can help.. "

(Somehow this girl gets me on my nerves...)

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