Chapter 6

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Trost District

So this is where the Battle of Trost happened. Right now Hiro enjoying his break by traveling to this place. He doesn't know when he will get a chance to travel this anime world so he is enjoying his break by visiting famous places in anime.

Who knows what will happen after he evolves into Hell load? Maybe he will travel to another world or a parallel world.

Great sage created coins for shopping so he doesn't have to worry about money.

'Should I buy something to eat?' Hiro took out some spare change from his money bag. While moving the coins around his bag and thinking about which food looked tastier, Hiro stopped his feet. His attention shifted towards one area. It was an ordinary skewer shop. Unknown pieces of meat were being cooked on a flaming fire, and the smoke and smell coming from the meat grabbed people's attention

However, it was not the food that grabbed Hiro's attention. It was the person who stood beside the skewer shop. It is a young lady. she went to buy an apple and then he saw her. She is about the same age as him who was giving a child an apple. He could only see her from behind. Her hood was down so he could see the straight black hair that reached her shoulders.

There was something about the interaction that irked him though, and that was that she had just given food to what may have looked like a homeless child, but that child was wearing a brand new pair of shoes, so she had been conned by a kid, all because she had tried to be nice.

"Freida" he knew she is the current founding titan holder and she will die within one year. But what is she doing here without bodyguards?

Her build was slim, her eyes were large and her face was round. Frieda wore a simple dress and skirt with a robe for walking around the city.

He can read souls so he read that boy's soul. Then he found that he is Jean Kirstein. one of the main characters and famous for his nickname 'Horse Face'. This cute chubby looking kid is a future horse face. Then he understood that Jean is bullied by troubled kids for his Fat appearance. And they told him to beg for food, it is a prank.

Hiro went to say something to her.

"If you feed a stray cat, It will keep coming back, expecting to be fed again." He said as the girl yelped, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Ahhaua" she yelled cutely.

"You scared me." She said, holding her hand over her heart. "And I wasn't feeding a cat, I was feeding a poor boy who lives in the orphanage."

"You're very naive." He observed. "Don't tell me you believed lies that brat lives in an orphanage."

"You don't think he lives in the orphanage?" She retorted. "What would give you that impression, for the record, I am not naive."

I can read souls.

"Sure you're not." He started walking in the direction the boy ran off in. "Follow me and you might learn a thing or two."

"Hey, why are you following him?"

" I will show you behind the scenes. And to show you reality. I just wanted To do And nothing can stop me after all" he said while going.

"I know someone who acts a lot like you." She replied. "And I despise that man, always thinks he can do what he wants all the time with zero consequences," she said and started to follow him. She thought about her idiot father.

"Surely you don't despise me!" He feigned hurt. "I don't even know your name and I'm already hated by you. Oh, what did I do to deserve this?" He spoke sarcastically again, definitely trying to annoy her now.

Ghost Rider in Anime MultiverseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora