♔ 𝕱𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 - 𝕿𝔴𝔬 ♔

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"Are you sure that is the only reason?"

I did not do this for you. You are an asset I need to keep.

"Yes." I lie. It somehow does not seem fair to tell Tynan that my faith in Calix's honesty has been shaken. This mark means he cannot kill me without killing himself, but it does not mean I am protected from his exploitation. I refuse to be a pawn again. "I will Scere alone."

He looks as though he wishes to say something else, but second guesses himself. With a still nod, he lays a hand on my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Then we'll see you soon."

"Save me a dance, Tynan." He parts with a smile, and I remain stood in the garden alone for a long while longer.

It begins now. So long I have been desperate for my revenge, and now I can pursuit it. The Fae that wronged me will fall, as will any that gets in my way. I know exactly who will feel my wrath, and I do not care to stain my hands with the blood of innocents either. There is no goodness left within me anymore. My anger has stewed beneath shadows and secrets, has corrupted me into something cold and evil, and now it is time to show them what I have become.

The villain they always feared.

The Royal Court house is lit up. Music drifts from within, and the chatter of guests can be heard above it. The grounds are still. Unlike the last Equinox, there are no Redcaps patrolling through the instream of arrivals, for since Ozias' death, the borders reinforced. There is no need for bloodthirsty protection this time, or at least, they assumed. I am sure things would be very different if they knew I stood outside.

"Vasami." I murmur, and the trees shift with movement. She looks weary – her last time here was not kind to her, for she was shackled and beaten. Still, she stalks towards me when I call her. The small growls of her young follow close behind. When she is at my side, I run my hand across her snout. She huffs out a breath. "Your young will join me. You need to enter only if I call on you." I beckon Calisto and Maxas closer, the latter beating his wings so he can perch on my shoulder.

The Stygian remains wrapped around my hands, but through them I let my claws grow into long and lethal points. They throb with a need for blood, to gut another as I did the late King of Cracuria, but for now I need to remain calm. I will not steal myself of the Equinox. The throne needs a leader, and I need to be sure of who will sits upon it.

My shoes click in the silent corridors, matching the steady beat of my heart. Calisto's feet pad behind, and Maxas chirps on my shoulder. They seem excited, as though they know what is about to occur, and when the music within the Throne room slows to a stop, part of me considers that they all do. They know their end is approaching, and its going to be a beautifully savage thing.

I hold up my palm as I come closer to the double doors, the ones I am so familiar with. It stays before me until I begin the feel the air tremble against my skin, pulsating with an energy I have created, powerful enough to knock down buildings and ravage woodlands. I do neither – only throw it at the closed doors and continue sauntering forward through the shrill screams as the doors, now broken from their hinges, barrel through the crowds.

My grin is sincere, as all eyes turn to me, the wyverns at my side, and lapse into a stunned silence, spare the small whimpers of injured. "I hope I am not too late." I shout out, looking forward at those who already stand on the dais. So many familiar faces, among them, Calix and Zaire. "I plan to compete!"

Calix's smile is so slight, I hardly notice it. The expressions of fury though, they surround me. The Lord of Vrodora, the Lady. Riyan looks a moment away from exploding, her entire body vibrating with barely restrained anger, and as I expected, she raises her arms in preparation to strike me. I only smile, raising my hands and commanding the Stygian to move.

Beneath Shadows and SecretsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang