Chapter six: the failed escape pt2

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The next morning Kaminari woke up to the smell of pancakes and rushed downstairs to see Shinso in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast Kaminari sat down, yawned, and rubbed his eyes whilst drinking the cup of tea Shinso made for him a couple of minutes ago however it was still warm since Shinso had put it in the microwave to stay warm.

A few moments of comfortable silence Shinso had finished the pancakes and gave Kaminari 2-3 pancakes on his plate with some maple syrup.

"Thank you shin and good morning" Kaminari took a bite out of his pancake whilst giving Shinso a warm smile.

Shinso smiled back and sat down to eat his pancakes.

"So, it is the start of the summer holidays. What do you want to do after breakfast and after changing?" Shinso said whilst looking at Kaminari with one of his eyebrows raised making Kaminari lightly blush and put a finger on his chin to indicate that he was thinking

"Hmmm I don't know maybe I will just watch a movie or do some chores"

Once Kaminari had finished breakfast, he picked up his plate and Shinso's then headed for the kitchen sink to wash the dishes

But was suddenly interrupted by the feeling of Shinso's hands being wrapped around his waist and placed his head on Kaminari's shoulder.

This made him shudder when Kaminari felt Shinso's hot breath against his sensitive skin, Shinso tightened his grip and nuzzled his head into Kaminari's neck being hit with the smell of Kaminari's favourite perfume, it was addicting Shinso kept breathing in the smell, not wanting to stop.

Kaminari was now at this point flustered because his boyfriend would not stop smelling him so pushed Shinso off and told him that he was going to change and ran up the stairs as fast as he could, covering his face so that Shinso wouldn't see his face.

When he got in the bedroom, he locked the door so that Shinso wouldn't try anything perverted and started to browse through the wardrobe only seeing the colour purple, black and grey. Kaminari sighed and selected a purple polo shirt with grey skinny jeans and headed downstairs, back into the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm finished getting changed so you can get dressed whilst I set up a movie to watch" Kaminari went into the living room but was stopped by Shinso's hands and was pulled into Shinso's chest. Kaminari once again felt shudders being set down his spine when Shinso pulled him close and went up to his ear.

"Hm maybe instead you can come up and shower with me it will be so much fun~" Shinso whispered this in a seductive tone whilst smirking and slipping his hand to the edge of Kaminari's boxers.

Kaminari's eyes went wide, and his face turned into a tomato. "Y-you pervert of course I won't come up!" Kaminari shouted whilst struggling to escape but each second Shinso's grip got tighter and tighter, but this did not make Kaminari give up, so he turned around and pushed Shinso hard to get him off and ran into the living room not looking back at the extremely disappointed boyfriend.

Shinso sighed and went upstairs to look through his wardrobe and got changed into a purple top with some black ripped jeans and made his way back downstairs into the living room.

When he was in the living room, he found Kaminari flicking through Netflix to find a movie, a smirk formed on Shinso's lips as he sat down next to his beloved, Kaminari ignored Shinso and kept looking through Netflix, hiding his blushing face as he was slowly reminded of what happened a few mins ago.

Shinso obviously noticed this, and his smirk grew wider, moving Kaminari's chin with his warm hands.

"what's wrong baby, did I really make you that flustered~ heh you look so cute when you are~" Shinso had said this in a seductive tone making Kaminari blush from his ears to his neck from the tone of Shinso's voice.

Kaminari pushed Shinso's hand away from his chin and stood up and went to the bed to watch tv up there and shouted from the top of the stairs:

"Stay away from me for the rest of the day and you're sleeping on the couch tonight!" Kaminari stormed into the room and slammed the door, but someone or something had stopped him from doing so

It had appeared that Kaminari was so busy shouting that he had not realised that Shinso was right In Front of him. Kaminari made a run for it and went into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Phew that was a close one" Kaminari leaned against the door and heard a light knock coming from the other side of the door, Kaminari ignored it but Shinso kept knocking on the door.

"Come on darling it was just a joke, and I could have said something much worse than that for example I could have said-"

Shinso was interrupted by Kaminari shouting: "DO NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE AND DID YOU JUST CALL ME DARLING???" Kaminari blushed even more at the fact he was just called darling but managed to calm himself down.

Whilst Kaminari was calming himself down, he heard the doorknob twisting "he must have had the spare key with him" as Kaminari was thinking he was looking for a hiding place to hide away from the perverted man, but it was too late Shinso had already opened the door, Kaminari tried to run away again but Shino's soft hands were already glued onto Kaminari's waist, pulling him closer into his chest. Kaminari started to blush again whilst worrying about what was about to happen.

To Kaminaris surprise Shinso had turned Kaminari around, picked him up and headed for the bedroom.

"H-hey let me go, why are we heading to the bedroom?"

"don't worry we are not going to do it I just want cuddles unless you want to"

Kaminari turned red and didn't say a word Shinsou just smirked and when he reached the bedroom, he sat down causing Kaminari to sit on his lap resting his chin on Kaminari's shoulder and wrapping his strong arms around Kaminari's waist.

Kaminari developed butterflies therefore he tried to get up and sit next to Shinso, but Shinso only managed to pull him back down and tightened his grip once again but even tighter than before so that Kaminari wouldn't be able to escape from his grasp.

"you're not escaping me this time kami, I just want to stay like this for a while" Shinso smirked as he felt Kaminari's cheeks heat up, Kaminari stopped moving and started to hold Shinso hands that was wrapped tightly around his waist, Shinso started to blush a little himself but was mostly concentrating on the blonde.

~end of chapter 6~

Hi guys sorry I haven't been updating lately but like I said on my author's note I have exams at the moment so i'll only upload at weekends for now.  

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