Chapter 9: The successful Escape

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Kaminari’s Pov: 

There I saw my Friends and my Grandma drenched in blood, I stood still in shock. I wanted to run away as fast as possible to get away from Shinsou but my legs were stuck in place. This is all my fault if i tried harder to escape or if i wasn't born at all my friends and family would still be here.As I was lost deep in thought I heard a deep voice and felt a warm breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine..

“K-kaminari what are you doing here i thought you were at home in bed” 

I stayed silent not wanting to talk to Shinsou right now and kept my eyes on my dead loved ones but he wouldn't stop talking but I blocked the sound out. I didn't want to hear his lame excuses and lies. 

But no matter how hard I tried to ignore him my ears came back listening to that sickening voice of his and before I knew it he grabbed my chin and turned it so I could look at his face.I slapped his hand away and ran.

 I ran as fast as I could but no matter how fast I was he was right behind me. I had lose him. I couldn't bear looking at his face again nor staying with him ever again, listening to all those lies over and over again. I ran into an alleyway but as soon as i reached the end it had a dead end and soon enough Shinsou had caught up To me. I was so scared I didn't know what he was going to do but all i know is that i'm getting a punishment after this.

Shinsou had wrapped his hands around my waist pulling my back into his chest making me feel his body heat that warmed my back. I tried to squirm around in his arms to escape but his grip kept getting tighter and tighter until I felt my rib cage being squashed and I couldn't breathe properly.

I had only one option left so I lifted my legs and kicked his legs which had no effect on him whatsoever. That's when I had an idea. I turned around and kissed him on the lips and felt his grip loosening around my waist so I took this chance to break the kiss and run as fast as I could hoping that I would lose him. 

After an hour of running I turned back to see if he was behind me but to my surprise he was nowhere to be seen. I had lost him! I felt a small smile form on my face as I giggled.

I'm finally free.” I thought to myself now all i had to do was catch a train to exit the city and go to the country where my aunty lives without getting caught by Shinsou. 

I ran towards the train station, got my ticket and waited for my train to arrive.

AUTHERS NOTE: soz this chapter is short but i didnt really have any idea for this chapter like i have exreme writters block at the mo so chapter 10 might take longer sorry :(

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