Chapter 11: Unwanted vist

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Authers note: ahhhh I can't believe it's over. This is the last and final chapter but before you can start reading I wanna say thank you for choosing to read my story. It's been a long couple of months but I really enjoyed thanks to you guys 🙂

I will write another story  which will be about Sasunaru but i might not release that until the next few weeks since i've got prom on the 6th and some other stuff going on. Thanks for over 200 views and i hope you enjoy <3 

Kaminari's pov:

I couldn't believe my eyes. Shinsou was right here in infront of me holding a gun to my aunt’s head, I began trembling thinking how on earth did he find me here in like 3 hours?! 

“S-shinsou I-, how did you find me here? I thought I lost you when I ran after I broke our kiss”

My eyes started to water. I couldn't bear the thought of losing another loved one. 

“Hm well you see before you broke our kiss I inserted a tracker in your back pocket in your jeans without you releasing because I knew you were going to run.” 

My eyes widened in shock as I reached into my back pocket grabbing a small tracker and pulling it out for me to see it and his wide smirk. How on earth did he manage to do that without me feeling his hand in my back pocket? 

“Anyways enough chit chat, it's time for your aunt to die!” 

My eyes widened as he was about to pull the trigger and I froze and shouted without thinking. 

“Wait dont kill her please!” 

“Why shouldn't I?! She took you away from me like how your friends and grandma tried to take you away from me!” 

My eyes widened. Is that how he feels? I don't really have much knowledge on obsessed/yandere people so I didn't really understand. I still don't but I have a small better understanding now.

“If you don't kill her I- I will come back home with you and I-i won't try to escape ever again it will be just you and me okay?” 

My aunty kate’s eyes widened at what I had just said and tried to talk me out of it but I didn't listen or look at her I just kept my eyes on Shinsou hoping he would believe me. 

“How do I know you're not lying kami?” 

I blushed at the nickname. Hearing it again after a couple of hours made my stomach twist with nervousness. I don't know why or how I managed to catch feelings for him when I found the secret room and yes when I went there it wore off a bit but I naturally managed to catch feelings i don't know how or why i just did. Love is really strange. 

“I will stay with you and not go around the house on my own you can stay by my side 24/7.”

“Fine but if I find that you're lying I will not hesitate to kill not only your auntie but everyone that you've ever cared for understand?”

I took a deep breath in, I felt like a heavy weight was put on me knowing lives were on the line if I disobeyed Shinsou. 

“I understand.” 

I spoke with confidence so that he would believe me and he did, he lowered his gun and pulled me by the waist sending chills down my spine like usual. I felt his warm breath on my neck warming it up and he pulled out a damp cloth and covered my mouth and nose with it. I already knew what it was since we have been here before. 

I started to fall unconscious for hopefully the last time. The last thing I heard was the cries of my auntie kate. I felt a wave of guilt but I rather her be alive and safe. 

Shinsou’s pov:

I did it, I tricked him again! You're probably wondering what I mean by that so I will explain that basically the gun I was holding was fake but he will never know that! I wasn't going to kill his so called “aunt” I made it look like I was going too so Kami would come back to me and be mine all over again and ONLY MINE. Although I did want to kill the son of a bitch for taking Kami from me but I can't risk getting caught by the police. 

I turned around to Kami’s aunt and siad:

 “you tell the police you can say goodbye to your precious life.”

I glared at her before picking Kami up, of course. I went out of the window and carefully placed Kami down on the car seat in the back as to not wake him but it wouldn't really wake him up since he can't until a few hours or tomorrow but I didn't want to hurt him. 

I had to wait a few hours before he woke up which I wasn't expecting since I wasn't ready. I needed to ask him a question. 

Kaminari’s pov:
When I started to wake up my vision was blurry and I couldn't see a thing. However I did adjust to my surroundings quite quickly and saw Shinsou standing on one knee holding a small box. I could feel my heart zoom at a million miles an hour. 

“S-shinou what are you doing?” 

I asked surprised and nervous for a response. 

“Denki Kaminari I have loved you for a long time and tried my best for you to notice me and when you did I was so happy that you did but then you tried to escape from me because THOSE people tried to take you away from me.”


I could feel a cold finger placed on my lips making them feel cold too.

“Let me finish baby.” 

I nodded so that I wouldn't make him angry or anything. 

“As I was saying I didn't like it when they did that so I killed them but I'm fed up of people trying to steal you away from me so will you Denki Kaminari make me the happiest man tonight and marry me.”

My eyes widened. I couldn't bring myself to speak. I was so speechless I didn't expect him to do this especially at the age of 16. I knew if I said no he would be mad at me and kill everyone so I only have one option to say yes but to be honest half of me wants to marry him. Oh god love has made me crazy but yet again i don't mind as long as i'm with Shinsou. 

“Y-yes of course!!” 

I shouted at the top of my lungs happily, earring a hug from Shinsou and I started to cry as he pulled me into an embrace and rubbed soothing circles around my back to calm me down. For once I felt safe and happy, which I haven't felt since my mom and dad kicked me out. I mean I did feel happy and safe when I visited aunt kate but not as much as Shinsou made me feel happy in that exact moment.

                                                                                                               ~the end~

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