Chapter 3: the love potion

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A few hours later Kaminari woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar place. He tried to remember what happened in the alleyway but his brain was fuzzy. He sat up to find his hands tied together behind his back and a blanket covering him.

He looked everywhere for a way out but it was useless: there were no windows. Kaminari tried to get up but it was a little hard with his hands behind his back. However he still managed to get up after a few tries and walked towards the door but stopped when he heard the sound of a key turning.

Kaminari jumped. Someone was coming. He ran back to the place he woke up from and laid back down facing the wall, hoping whoever was coming couldn't see that he was awake.

"Kami~ I know you're awake and good timing too. I made you some food." Shinsou walked towards Kaminari and turned him around, seeing Kaminari eyes widened.

"Y-YOU YOU'RE THE-" Shinsou rolled his eyes and covered his mouth with his hand, Kaminari blushed and moved his head away.

"Shhhh you're so loud Kami, it's adorable" Shinsou felt his hands getting warmer, he smirked and moved his hands away from Kaminari's lips and placed his hand on Kaminari's chin whilst turning Kaminari's head to so that he was facing Shinsou.

"Here eat your food. I'll feed you since your hands are tied up." Kaminari didn't bother to protest since he was really hungry and tired so he opened his mouth and Shinsou began feeding him.

Suddenly he felt dizzy, he closed his eyes and when he immediately opened them back up, the potion took over. And he fell in love. Shinsou smirked as the potion worked.

"S-shinsou??? Is that you" Kaminari looked straight into his eyes falling deeply in love with them, Kaminari looked around the room and tried to get up but Shinsou sat him back down to see a confused looking Kaminari and his smirk started to creep across his face, making Kaminari's cheeks warm up.

"Shinsou I need to go, I have homework." Kaminari got up but only to be pushed back down but this time into Shinsou's lap. Kaminari's cheeks quickly turned a bright red as Shinsou whispered into Kaminari's ear in his husky voice again.

"Be my boyfriend Kami~" Shinsou nibbled on his ear whilst Kaminari gulped, feeling his face getting warmer and redder.

"O-okay i will be your boyfriend so this means you're mine" Shinsou chuckled.

"Nope this means you're mine Kami~" Kaminari raised an eyebrow.

"I'm yours?.. what's the difference?" Shinsou's smirk grew even bigger making Kaminari regret what he just said.

"I'm on top~" Kaminari went completely red and felt Shinsou untie his hands and snake his own hands around Kaminari's waist, tightening his grip on Kaminari.

"S-shinsou!!! We just became boyfriends" Shinsou chuckled and moved his face away from his ear and looked at Kamianri's brightly coloured eyes, meeting his gaze making their eyes lock. Kaminari's lips quivered and he felt butterflies in his stomach but didn't even dare look away at his new boyfriend's mesmerising eyes.

After a minute of complete silence, Shinsou pressed his lips against Kaminari's lips, kissing him passionately. Kaminari was shocked but kissed back and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Shinsou's neck.

Shinsou licked Kaminari's lower lip, asking for permission; Kaminari's eyes fluttered back open and pulled away, avoiding eye contact as his body grew warm.

Shinsou smirked and Kaminari leaned further away from him so that he wouldn't end up doing anything and stood up, running out of the door and going to the bathroom; Locking it so that Shinsou couldn't get in and leaned against the wall.

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