Chapter 10: unexpected vist

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Authors note: before you start reading i just wanna give credit to one of my flowers Simplytheog because they gave me the idea for this chapter and the next chapter wich is gonna be the last one. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Kaminaris pov:

When the train arrived I still felt like I was being watched but it was a little bit it different this time but I didn't let that distract me from escaping so I hopped on the train, gave the conductor my ticket,sat down in the chair that was so soft it felt like you were sitting on clouds and waited for the train to arrive at the train station five minutes away from my aunt kate's house so it wouldn't be too much of a hussle walking and i wouldn't run into the risk of being caught by Shinsou though I doubt he would be looking for me all the away in the countryside. I pushed my thoughts to the side and waited for the journey to end.

Then I just remembered that she doesnt know I'm coming over and Shinsou took my phone away from me before I woke up and fell right into his trap. Dammit, I'm so stupid why on earth would I accept food from someone who just kidnapped me? Anyways I hope aunty isn't doing anything and I guess that I will have to explain what has happened over the past few days or has it been weeks?? I don't know, I haven't been out in ages and I wasn't allowed my phone either but it's nice to be finally free and outside after so long.

After about twenty minutes the train stopped singling that this is my stop. I got up from the best, comfiest chair ever, hopped off the train and began walking when suddenly it began to rain. Great just great when I thought the world was on my side it just had to make it rain making me all soaked and wet and the worst thing is I don't have an umbrella because I didn't expect to be running away from a yandere today that is completely insane and has an unhealthy obsession over me.

I walked through the rain anyway and came across my aunt kate's house. Thank god I've made it! Wait how will she react when I tell her that grandma is dead because of me and my stupidity oh god i hope she understands and supports me. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door making a loud noise echoing through the house.

I waited a minute and knocked again but there was no answer. I started to panic. Was Shinsou already here?? But how I lost him when I ran didn't I?

"Aunty kate it's me Kaminari you in there? There is something I need to tell you..." I shouted through the door hoping that she would hear me and she did, which made me relieved that Shinsou wasn't here after all.

aunty kate's pov:

I opened the door to see my nephew that I haven't seen for so long. My eyes widened with shock when I saw his cheeks drenched with dried tears making his skin look shiny. I pulled him in the house and into a hug stroking the back of his hair to comfort him.

Once we broke away I led him into the living room and sat down asking him why he was here so far out without his mom and dad.

Kaminari's Pov

My heart dropped when my aunt Kate asked me why I was here. Half of me did expect her to ask me this question but the other half hoped that she didn't ask and shrug it off. I took a deep breath and explained

"Well to put it in short I was kidnapped by a boy named Hitoshi Shinsou that put me under a love potion and then I found out he was a yandere and well he killed all my friends and.... Grandma, too."

My aunt Kate's eyes winded with anger and shock that all of this happened and I had to witness it all happen. She pulled me into another hug and whispered in my ear making me feel safe.

" I'm sorry you had to experience all of this and I'm assuming that your parents have kicked you out because you're gay? your grandma told me that by the way if you're wondering. Don't worry though you can stay with me and we will ring the police. They will sort it out okay?"

Hearing her say this made me feel safe and warm, also other feelings I haven't felt in a while because after I found that secret room the only feelings that Shinsou made me feel was nervousness and I was scared that he would hurt me after finding out that I knew his dirty secret.

"O-okay you will have to ring them though because Shinsou took my phone away when I was unconscious the first time we met."

I didn't really want her to call the police but if it means that it will help my situation out instead of matters getting worse.

"Okay I will ring them now"

she grabbed her phone and dialled 999 and waited for them to pick up and when they did she motioned me to go in a different room because she didn't want to bring back any bad memories into my head so I did as I was told and waited in the kitchen making myself a drink whilst waiting for what my aunt was going to say.

That's when I felt it again, the feeling of being watched by someone. I yet again shrugging it off thinking that i was paranoid because I was used to being watched back at home and there was no way that Shinsou knew where I was but then suddenly I saw a black figure run across the window. I opened it and looked out to see nothing. Did Shinsou really have that big of an effect to the point where I still think he's near watching my every move?? I kept on looking making sure I was seeing things but my aunt Kate told me she had some bad news. My heart dropped when I heard this so I turned around to look at her to show that I was listening and ready to hear the news.

"Well I just found out from the police that Shinsou has been a wanted criminal for years now but they don't have enough information on his whereabouts and generally about him so they can't arrest him since we don't know where he is at the moment."

My heart rate increased causing my chest to feel like it was going to explode letting my heart be free. This is really what I didn't want to hear. I ran upstairs wanting to be alone right now and I think my aunty already knew because she didnt come after me.

Suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass coming from the window causing me to run downstairs as fast as possible. When I got into the kitchen I saw the same purple haired boy standing in front of my aunty holding a gun....

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