"T-then why?"

"Why what?" I asked innocently.

"Um-uhm, that- I mean- um," She was all red already. Cute!

"Do you really wanna know baby?" I asked as I raked my eyes on her body. F**k! I will need a cold shower later.. Freezing cold!

Her eyes grew wide when the realization hit her and she blushed more, if that was even possible.

"PERVERT" she yelled as she quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I barked out a loud laugh at her cutest reaction.

Oh I can just get used to this life..


Day by day, our distance and awkwardness with each other faded. I didn't confess my love for her yet because I believe that it would be hard for her, since she barely knows me.

I can read her eyes like an open book, she has such beautiful clear eyes that can't hide her emotions. I know almost everything about her, because I was her obsessive stalker but she needs to know about me so she knows the real me. I hope once she gets to know me, she would be able to accept me as her husband.. real husband!

One thing I found hard while being with her was to sleep on the same bed with her but not touch her. It was a pure torture for me, seeing the woman I love more than anything, laying beside me on bed and not being able to touch her was painful. I would always wait for her to fall asleep before I quietly removed all the pillows that she put between us as a wall, which I hate too much. I would tug on her shirt sleeve lightly to face her my way and she would snuggle closer to me and wrap herself around me, which is the only way I would be able to sleep at nights, feeling her in my arms.

I know by the look in her eyes that if I start something, she wouldn't stop me but I don't want to start our life with physical relationship, rather I want to earn her trust and her love before I take her to bed. I can feel she likes me or maybe.. just maybe, she is also falling in love with me too, but I don't want to assume.

I never talked about our fake marriage arrangement because I want her to completely forget about it. I am not letting her go.. ever.

But I know we need to talk about a lot of things before we start our married life properly.


"Is there anyone here, please help!" I screamed on top of my lungs in hope that someone would hear but all I got was silence.

"Please help!" I was crying hysterically while walking on a long and dark road.

When I saw a car passing by. Hope and happiness surged within me as I immediately stood in front of a car to stop it. The car stopped with a screeching sound.

"What's wrong, kid? Are you hurt? Oh God, you are bleeding so much, get in the car, I will take you to the hospital first." A man came out of the car and checked on me. I refused to go and beg him, trying to explain the situation.

"Please help, sir. My-my f-father, h-he is stuck a-and he is- h-he is injured, P-please!!!" I begged him to come with me.

"Okay, okay! Take me to your father and I will call help on our way there," he pulled me towards his car.

We drove around the corner to our car and the man called an emergency. Just when we reached, I heard a loud explosion.

I looked out and there was a car, burning as the flames went higher and higher.

Resisting HeartsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora