shared custody...? 😎 and issues-

646 19 29

I'm gonna make goldric break up lmao

Today 2:17pm (2/5/2023)

Eda: me and Darius are now sharing custody of hunter

Hunter: what?

Darius: you're my son now

Hunter: oh- okay?

Luz: wait so if aldor and Darius get back together that means hunter and edric wound have to break up-

Darius: who Said I'm going back to hack

Luz: your diary

Hunter: yeahhh
Hunter: eddddd

Edric: yea?

Hunter: we have to break up because Darius is going to ask your dad out and Darius is now my dad cause shared custody so like if we date and Darius and your dad get together it's incest I believe

Edric: oh that's alot to process-
Edric: so eda and Darius share custody of you-?

Hunter: mhm

Edric: and your dad likes my dad and is going to ask him out?

Hunter: he better

Edric: so we're going to be step-brothers?
Edric: it's step-brothers right?

Hunter: I believe so-

Edric: oh okay then
Edric: bye

Luz: best break up I've seen In years

Hunter: ikr

Amity: wait so am I going to be related to him-
Amity: wait a minute-
Amity: wouldn't I be somewhat related to luzs then because of hunter-?

Hunter: idk
Hunter: edaaaaa!

Eda: what

Hunter: say Darius gets with alador would Luz and amity be somewhat related?

Eda: what makes you think I know?

Hunter: idk

Darius: dues this mean I fully get hunter

Eda: idk most likely-

Raine: Darius is doing a happy dance of some thing in his room

Darius: shut up Raine

Hunter: lol

Darius: shush son

Hunter: I hate you

Eda: yeahh you can have him
Eda: I don't give up adopted kids this easily but I don't wanna affect luzs relationship in whatever way iif might

Darius: great more paper work...

Eda: ughhhhhh

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