welp 🤷

623 19 32

They've become aware- 😰

Today 3:42am (1/5/2023)

Luz: anyone feel like their being controlled by someone?

Hunter: all the time!

Luz: ofc you do

Hunter: ?

Luz: idoit

Willow: why does the the author only do hunter based things

Luz: wait-

Willow: yeah
Willow: the person writing this chat fic?

Luz: my life's a lie-

Hunter: mine has always been one

Luz: sucks to be you loser
Luz: but yeah why only hunter based things...

Willow: they clearly like hunter the most

Gus: yeah I feel like they forgot about half of us...

Eber: udtvkisth

Raine: Ebers agreeing with you

Edric: yeahh
Edric: for them being a goldric shipper you'd expected more of me huh?

Emira: shut up ed

Edric: shut up em

Luz: wheres the lumity?!

Willow: they clearly can't write lesbian things even tho they are a lesbian themselves

Amity: L
Amity: but there should be more of us!
Amity: like we're canon!

Eda: so are me a Raine right?

Raine: we are?

Eda: idk

Hunter: idoits

Darius: shut up hunter

Kikimora: it's 3am wtf

Hunter: they clearly hate you

Kikimora: who.

Hunter: the author of this chat fic
Hunter: the person who is controlling us?

Kikimora: author?!
Kikimora: chat fic?!
Kikimora: CONTROLLING!?!

Belos: they're clearly British as well
Belos: they use 'bloody' and 'innit' as everyday words

Hunter: ofc you would know they're British
Hunter: molding bri'ish ass

Belos: your part British, like half so stfu

Hunter: you just swore-

Belos: so?

Hunter: you never swear 😟

Belos: oh right-
Belos: ehem-
Belos: swearing is a sin! Your going to h E double hockey sticks

Luz: how da fuck do you know what hockey is?!

Belos: idk I just do apparently-

I was bored okay?

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