Why are you naked?

648 12 4

Fem Reader



Not Suggested

Grogu's chilling with Greef Carga
After season 3

Razor Crest still exists (I seriously miss it so much)

You're roughly 25

Also some smut

I'll make a note in bold where readers who are uncomfortable can read the aftercare :)

Y'all don't be shy to comment what you want me to write, I seriously wont judge, and if anyone else does I'll beat them up for you, okay? I like hearing feedback from my readers. If you're uncomfortable with commenting you can email me at halversonemma6621@gmail.com and I can say it's from someone anonymous. I'm also here if you ever need anything :)

You hated running. You sprinted through the market, chasing after the bounty. You ran through a stand with all sorts of illegal spice, accidentally inhaling some, but you kept running. You finally tackled the bounty and cuffed her. Din was busy chasing after her partner. You brought her back to the Crest and pushed her into the carbonite. You were covered in so many different colored powders, and you were worried you'd get high off of them. You stripped off all your clothes and got into the shower, cleaning yourself off. You could hear Din wrestling with someone before the carbonite machine hissed.

"Y/n? Are you here?"

"In the shower." You replied. You felt heat rush down to your crotch just because of his voice. You mentally remembered the colored powders, and realized one of them had been sex pollen. Shit.

"Alright, just making sure. I'm gonna take off, make sure you don't fall."

"Okay." You responded. You could feel yourself dripping down your legs. The feeling was so intense and you needed someone to help you. As the ship took off, you leaned against the shower wall to keep your balance. You also realized you didn't have any clean clothes. Once the ship evened out, you grabbed your dirty clothes and threw them in the carbonite so the sex pollen and other spice wouldn't infect Din.

"Y/n, why are you naked?" Din asked. You turned and looked at him. He wasn't looking at you, he was looking everywhere but at you.

"Fuck me, Din. Please, I'm begging you."

"What?" He sounded confused, "What happened?"

"I inhaled sex pollen while chasing the bounty." You responded, "I need you."

"I'm not going to have sex with you because of some pollen." He responded. "We'll be on Nevarro in an hour."

"Fine. I'll just fuck a random stranger there." You responded.

His helmet turned towards you, "I'm not letting you have sex with a stranger."

"You aren't a stranger."

"I'm not."

"Please Din, you love me, right? I mean, we never labeled it, but we hug, and hold hands, and kiss sometimes when we're in the ship."

"We kiss with your eyes covered, and when we touch, it's not skin on skin. Sex is very intimate, and I want you to be in your right mind."

"I am, I just need help, please." You begged.

"Will you regret this?" He asked you.

"No." You responded.

He sighed and grabbed a blindfold from a shelf, tying it around your eyes. You heard the metal being dropped onto the ground before rough lips met yours. You felt his warm body pushing against yours until you felt the cool metal wall on your back.

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