Period Comfort

485 3 4

Fem reader

Not suggested

You're having you period, and your cramps are super bad to the point of you crying. You and Din have been dating for about a month.

Around 24

Grogu is being babysat by Peli. (I love Peli so I had to add her in)

Also, pretend the Razor Crest didn't get murdered

After landing on Tatooine to get the Crest fixed, you laid in Din's bed. You two shared it, but hadn't done anything unholy in it. You two had a kid to take care of, and you were fine with waiting to get him naked. Din had gone to see Boba Fett for a little bit while Peli watched Grogu.

You curled up into fetal position and felt tears threaten to spill out of your eyes. Your cramps were killing you, and you were considering cutting them out with Din's darksaber when he got back. You eventually cried yourself to sleep.

You woke up when you heard the ramp opening. He was back. You heard him stomp into the ship and close the ramp behind him.

"Din?" You asked. You could hear the pain in your voice.

Din immediately was by your side. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked you.

"No. Can I borrow your darksaber?" You asked.


"Can you cut my uterus out please, and ovaries?"

It took him a second to understand. He walked out for a minute and came back with something warm. It looked like a waterproof bag filled with warm water. He pulled your legs down and set it on your lower stomach.

"I'm not going to cut anything out of you." He said. The heat helped your cramps a little.

"They hurt." You whined, not caring how pathetic you sounded.

"I know, but you might regret cutting them out some day." He took all of his armor off except his helmet and laid next to you.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you ever want kids?"

"Maybe. Do you?"

He was silent for a couple minutes, "Eventually, but we have one of our own we need to worry about for now."

"Yeah, you're right." The lack of pain you were feeling started to make you realize that you were hungry. You tried to hide it with a cough, but your stomach growled loudly.

"I'll get you something from the cantina, anything specific?"

"If you could find me (favorite snack), then I'd really appreciate it."

"I'll be back soon." He said after strapping all his armor on. He left the ship. One thing you loved about him was that he was always respectful, and always wanted to be helpful.

You heard the ramp open. He shouldn't be back by now. You grabbed your blaster and stumbled out of the bedroom, clutching the bag to your lower stomach. Grogu was standing at the entrance to the ramp.

"Grogu, hey, get back here. We need to give Mando and Y/n some alone time." Peli said, speed walking over.

"Well, Peli, nothing interesting is gonna happen today." You said.

It took her about a second to realize why, "Do ya need me to getcha anything?"

"No, but thank you." You smiled. Grogu waddled over to you and closed his eyes. He held his hand up to try to heal you, not understanding what was going on. With difficulty, you picked him up and gave him back to Peli. She walked away with Grogu. You leaned against the wall, in to much pain to move yet.

"What are you doing up?" Din asked, making you jump. He could be so quiet when he tried.

"Grogu came in so I gave him back to Peli." You explained.

"I got you what you asked for. I also got you some more supplies in case you run out." He said. He helped you back to the bedroom. How did you get so lucky with this man?

He pulled a heated blanket out of the bag and laid it on you, taking the bag of water. The blanket heated up fast and it really helped. He gave you a couple pain killers and some food, which you were very grateful for. He took off all of his armor and laid next to you, never leaving your side. Whenever you needed to go to the bathroom, he'd help you there and wait outside the door to help you back.

"Y/n?" He asked on day three of your period.


"Are they normally this bad?"

"Yeah, but I always hid them from you, I didn't want you to think I was weak."

"You aren't weak. You can do everything men can while bleeding and being in pain. You're a strong, brave, beautiful woman."

You blushed at what he'd said, and you smiled at him. He didn't really compliment you, and that was okay. You knew he loved you, and you loved him. "Thank you, Din. How was Boba?"

"He was good, Mos Espa is thriving." He replied, gently wrapping his arms around your waist. He kept his hands in fists to make sure he didn't touch you and make you uncomfortable.

"Din, you can relax your hands." You said.

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't say you could if I wasn't."

You felt him relax his hands. He stayed with you until your innards stopped attacking you. He made you go to a doctor to make sure your periods were okay, and they prescribed you on birth control. After that, the periods were more bearable. However, he still stayed by your side every time you had one. Sometimes Grogu would join you too while you talked about random things that popped in your head. He loved using his gift to float snacks into yours and his own mouth. You were so happy you had met these two. Din was never grossed out when you told him you were on your period. He knew it was normal, and he was always there for you. You loved him for that.

Sorry it was kind of short. I hope you have an amazing week, and thank you so much for reading, it means a lot that something I write is read by other people.

Remember, you are loved, beautiful, smart, brave, and amazing. Keep being kind :)

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