Our Babies in There?

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Fem reader

Not suggested

You find out you're pregnant with Din's child, and are very nervous to tell him.

You're roughly 27 years old

Grogu stayed with Luke and the beautiful Crest didn't die.

The last couple weeks, you've felt off. Some days you woke up dizzy and had to vomit. Fighting was also hard, and you over exerted yourself easier than you used to. When you two decided to land for a weekend off, you made up an excuse so you could go to the hospital, not wanting to alarm him.

The nurse had done all sorts of tests. She'd poked and prodded your body, taken blood, had a urine sample collected, checked for illness, and every test came back negative. You were waiting for the result of the final test with eagerness. You could just be tired, maybe this was a waste of time.

The door to the white room opened and the nurse walked in. "Well, Ms. Y/l/n, we found the cause of your morning illness and vomiting."

"And that is?" You asked, suddenly very nervous.

"You're pregnant." She smiled at you.

No. You couldn't be pregnant. You were to busy for pregnancy. You and Din were a bounty hunting couple. This couldn't be happening. You and him had only been dating for 6 months, wasn't it too soon?

"Thank you." You managed to say. You handed her credits before walking back to The Crest. When the ramp opened, he was standing there with his arms crossed.

"You said ten minutes, it's been an hour and a half."

"Got lost." You mumbled, walking up the ramp.

"Where's the clothing you were looking for?"

"They didn't have my size." You walked passed him. You remembered the night that created this child you were carrying. It had been sweet and slow, you had been blindfolded, but you didn't mind. Now, all you could think was that a night like that would never happen again, because he'd leave you.

"Next planet we can get you something you like." He said, thinking that the clothes were the reason you were moody.

"Thanks." You said. You went to your shared bedroom and laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. You knew you'd keep it, you couldn't kill something so small and defenseless.

There was a knock in the door, "Y/n? Can I come in?"

"I need space." You responded.

"Okay." You heard the sadness in his voice that he couldn't help. A lot of people were scared of him, but he could be cuddly and clingy when you two were alone together.

You must have fallen asleep, because you woke up to Din carrying a tray of all your favorite foods, and ice-cream.

"I didn't know what you'd be hungry for. Are you...mad at me?"

"Huh? No Din, I'm not mad at you. I'm just dealing with something." You said. His little act of concern and kindness made you melt a little.

He set the tray on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed, "Please tell me, I've given you six hours, and I'm worried."

You took a deep breath, "Let me enjoy some of this food before you kick me out at least." You said.

"Kick you out? Why?"

"Din, do you remember what we did six weeks ago?" You asked.

"Yes." He said after a couple seconds.

"You didn't use protection, and I didn't take a pill."

He was silent, starting to realize what you meant.

"I'm pregnant, Din." You stared at the blanket, ready to be yelled at for being careless. You had meant to take the pill, but you had forgotten.

"You...you're pregnant." He repeated. He got up and left. Great, now you would be single and pregnant, alone in the galaxy. Din came back in with a cloth and tied it around your eyes. You were confused at first, until you heard a gentle hiss and felt lips on yours. He was being gentle, and slow.

He pulled away, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." You could hear the excitement in his voice, and then a pause, "That is, if you want to keep it."

"I want to keep it, but you aren't mad?"

"No! Why would I be mad?" You could hear the smile he had, and his excitement was overwhelming him. His leg was bouncing on the floor and his hands were fidgeting. You could feel it because he was shaking the whole bed. "Now eat." You felt him kiss you one more time before he put his helmet on and took your blind fold off. You started to eat. The food was amazing. He watched you, and once you were done, he blindfolded you and took his helmet off again. He kissed you, and then lifted your shirt up. He kissed your stomach and whispered, "Our baby is in there."

"It is." You smiled at him

"I will protect you both with my life, cyare."

"I know you will." You ran your fingers through his hair. That night, he focused on baby proofing the ship, making sure you were full and were comfortable, and scheduling future appointments. He made all of the unknown future feel not so scary, knowing you'd have it together. He made you feel safe.

That night, you two talked about a game plan, and whether or not you wanted to be married before, or after the baby was born. He promised he'd be there for you both for as long as you he lived. He also gave you plenty of kisses and cuddles all night.

Sorry it was super short. I currently have baby fever so writing this kind of helped me, and hopefully helped you, too. I love you all. You are all beautiful, special people, and I hope you have a nice Easter weekend!

Also, I was thinking about writing a miscarriage one shot, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, so if anyone wants it, let me know! Suggestions are welcome also, don't be shy :)

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