The mansion became quieter. Everyone kept their distance from each other while occasionally sending glares.

"Can't believe this is happening," Ace's deep voice broke the silence as he leans against the back of the couch with his head hung low. "This is a waste of time."

"Nothing is ever a waste of time. Every lesson in life comes with a price. If you choose to learn from it then you will prevail; if not, you simply wasted your time." Zen softly smiles at the virtue with a look of understanding.

"Here we go." Envy tossed his head back with a groan escaping his throat. The virtues turned to him.

"Is there a problem?" Ace's attention was on the demon as he unfolded his muscular arms while sending a glare. Envy smirked without responding.

Wrath quietly strides over to his sad mate before sitting down next to him, placing his hand on his back.

The virtue named Dax continues to stare at Sloth who was currently sleeping on the couch with his head resting back against the cushioned pillow. His dark hair carelessly fell over his eyelids while his face was one of peace.

The only problem is that he fell asleep on the virtue's side of the room. No one wanted to wake him up so they just ignored him until Dax leans forward with his hands on his knees. "Does he always sleep? Guess it's cause of his sin, right?" Dax turns his attention towards the sins with a smirk forming at his lips.

Pride, Greed and Lust turned their heads at the mischievous virtue.

"What would happen if I touch him? Is he a light sleeper?" Dax asks while extending his finger out towards Sloth's sleeping face.

"Touch him and I'll break your fucking arm," Lust rose to his feet with a playful gleam in his eye as he slides his split tongue out which sent Dax stepping back with a look of disgust evident in his face.

"Is that a threat?" Lev's eyebrow arched while sending a curious look at Lust.

"Yo, everyone need to chill. They haven't even been gone for five minutes and you're already picking at each other." I sent a look at them both before Lust could respond.

"Who are you?" Ace questioned me while eyeing me up and down with a loathing look.

I return the look with a growl. "The reason why you're here."

"So, you're the blame for this?" Ace clenched his fist. "We don't have time to meddle with your inconveniences in your mortal world." He removed the bow and arrow from his back as he sighed, pushing his red hair back, away from his face.

I look towards Envy who was now watching the situation transpire between us. With a roll of my eyes, I said, "I didn't ask for your help. Remember, Tiberias has you here, not me."

Dax chuckled.

"How tiresome," Pride says while staring at me. "You're the reason as to why we're here too. We wouldn't be in this predicament if wolves knew how to protect themselves."

"Get dick out your ass," Lust thrusts his thumb over his shoulder at the virtues. "Don't be like them."

Ace slowly claps his hands as he chuckles. "Yes, don't be like us. We're brilliant leaders with skills that surpass sins by far," he smirks. "Not to mention more handsome."

"Leave them alone, Ace." Basim finally spoke with a frown. "That's only going to make the situation-."

Ace gave Basim a wicked smile before cutting him off, "Look at you," He pushed himself off of the couch. "Playing for the other team."

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