Chapter 61

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"What the actual fuck?" Becky said looking out over the loch at a boat that was approaching us from the far end at some speed.

"Inside," I barked, already hauling myself out of the tub and putting myself between her and the potential danger; thankfully she didn't argue, simply climbing out and running for the doorway, grabbing her robe from the floor and pulling it over her naked body as she ran inside. I grabbed my own robe and followed her, backing away from the tub and taking one last glance at the approaching boat. 

It didn't seem like a threat, it was hardly the most stealthy of approaches coming down the loch towards us, but I had never been about taking chances, and I wasn't about to start now. My first priority would be getting us both inside and into cover, then to get a means of defense and plan an escape route.

"Get me the key to that gun case, Becky," I ordered as I closed and locked the back door, dragging one of the chairs across to help block it just in case. "Then find the car keys and get that shed door open, will the remote reach it from here?" She nodded, lifting the small key out of a drawer when she had hidden it and threw it over to me.

"Hey," I called out as she turned and crossed the room to the table where we had dumped our stuff. She paused and looked at me, eyes concerned, "It's probably nothing babe, yeah? Let's just make sure we're ready for it, ok?"

Becky nodded uncertainly as I pulled on my robe and wrapped it around myself, tying it closed tightly as I walked over to the cabinet. Unlocking the door, I considered my options, inside were two hunting rifles and three shotguns, all of them double barreled. I would have given my right foot for a pump action shotgun right now, but I grabbed the nearest shotgun and loaded it, dropping shells into the pockets of my robe.

"Door's open, love," Becky called out from the front of the cabin. I carried the loaded shotgun over to the nearest window and laid it against the wall. "Are we going?"

"No time,  Bec," I said, spotting the boat pulling up on the shore, the three passengers preparing to disembark. I rushed back to the cabinet and grabbed another one of the shotguns, loading it quickly. "You go now," I said, "take the car and get somewhere safe, keep your head down and don't stop for anything. I'll call you when it's safe."

"What about you?" she protested, "aren't you coming too?"

"Don't argue, Bec," I snapped, clicking the shotgun closed and heading for the window. "Just go."


"Go Becky!" I shouted, getting annoyed with her obstinacy. "Do as you're told. Get out and get to somewhere safe, I'll cover you."

I heard a huff from behind me as I peered out of the window at the three figures that were approaching. There was something familiar about the way they were moving and slowly, I inched open the door and fired a warning shot into the air.

"What are you doing?" Becky called from behind me as I opened the door at the three figures that were belly down on the floor, hardly the pose of hardened terrorist's intent on murder.

"Why are you still here?" I snarled at Becky, opening the door and looking outside at the still prone figures. "Stay where you are!" I yelled at them, pointing the shotgun downrange at the three figures, "do not move, or I will open fire."

In truth, the odds weren't great. I had one shell left, no time to reload, and three hostiles in front of me; if they decided to rush me I was well and truly fucked.

"Freen?" A familiar voice called out from the patch of grass, "don't shoot, it's me, Jenna."

"Jenna?" I shouted back, "stand up and walk towards me slowly, the rest of you stay where you are!" 

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