Chapter 57

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"That's why I'm calling Freen, they've just got in touch with me...I'm afraid Robert died about ten minutes ago..."

I didn't say anything, my mind racing like crazy at the gravity of her words. Rob Armstrong, dead... Jesus!

"Freen, are you still there?"

"I'm here, Jenna," I said softly, "please accept my condolences."

"Thank you, Freen, I appreciate that."

"Would you like me to tell Becky?" I asked, knowing that was why she was calling.

"No, Freen, but I'm afraid I may have to. I'd prefer to tell her myself, but she doesn't deserve to hear this like I did; not over the phone. It was bad enough that I heard it that way..."

"I'll do it, Jenna," I said sadly, "I know Becky and Rob weren't that close, but..."

"...but this will be hard on her, Freen, I want you know that. Becky spent most of her life searching for Rob's approval..."

"I understand, Jenna," I said as her voice tailed off, "it's all right. Does Richie know?"

"He does, he's with me now. We're on the way to the hospital, we're just waiting for the helicopter to pick us up."

"Is that where you'd like me to take Becky? To the hospital?"

"I think that's the best thing to do, Freen. I think we all need to say goodbye. I'm really sorry to ask this of you, Freen, I know it's a huge burden to place on your shoulders."

"It's fine, Jenna, don't concern yourself" I told her, trying to take at least that worry from her. After all, it's not as if I'm unaccustomed to delivering bad news to people I love.

"No, Freen, it's really not fine. I should be doing this myself I know, but I am glad you're there andI'm glad that Becky will hear this face to face from someone that cares for her. Look after my daughter for me will you please? I'll see you as soon as I can."

"I will ,Jenna, take care... if there's anything I can do please let me know."

"You are already doing more than I should ask of you, thank you again."

Jenna hung up on me after that, there was nothing else for us to say, nothing more that needed to be said. I had to admire the strength she was demonstrating, thinking of her family above all things. I only hoped that Becky had inherited that same strength; she would probably need it. I looked down at my phone thoughtfully, I needed to let Becky know, needed to interrupt this meeting in as diplomatic a manner as I could. 

Duty said that I needed to let James or JJ know about Rob's death, but honor said that Becky was my priority. I put the phone into my pocket with a sigh and prepared myself for what was to come. With a deep breath, I knocked on the door to the conference room and twisted the handle.

All eyes were upon me as I stepped into the room; in an ideal world, this would have been done discretely, however I had to break this party up right now.

"Excuse me, Miss Armstrong, I need a moment of your time," I said formally, "I'm afraid it's urgent."

"We're nearly finished here, Miss Sarocha," she replied, not looking happy at my interruption.

"Can't it wait?"

I shook my head, "Mr Porter has an urgent call for you from one of our contacts in Baghdad. I'm afraid he's calling on a satellite phone and this is the only time he can do. It is quite important you speak to him, ma'am, I wouldn't have interrupted otherwise."

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