Chapter 46

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"Great score, Freen," Becky said as I finished the loading and preparation of my HK, her vendors pass getting her past the security that made sure the public didn't just wander into the safe area. "You kicked ass out there again!"

"I kicked ass, did I?" I asked sniggering at how silly she sounded saying that.

"Yes, you totally did," she replied, shoving me playfully. "James got a six point lead over you now, but you'll get that back in the next round, I know it."

I looked over at James, lording it over the other guys as he'd been doing for the last half hour; playing up the Alpha Male role for all it was worth. I think his ego had taken a bit of a knock after losing the pistol round to me, but he seemed much happier now he was out in front, the defense of his title back on track.

"What's up?" she asked as I stared over at the little boys club in the corner. "What's the matter, you know you can win this."

"I know I can, Bec. I'm just not sure if I want to. It's not been an issue before, I never thought I stood a chance. Now though, well, look at him... he is my sodding boss after all."

She looked over at James, regaling his near perfect shoot to anyone that would listen, hands weaving through the air as he lovingly described the trajectory of every shot. Her head whipped around to me, her perfectly painted lips open in shock.

"You're not seriously considering..." she started, understanding my thought pattern instantly.

"No, not really, Bec," I interrupted quickly, hoping she would believe the half truth.

"You can't, Freen, not after all your hard work; you just can't!"

"I'm not going to Becky, it's just..."

She looked at me with disappointment and sympathy in her eyes. I smiled at her and winked,"Don't sweat it, Bec, just having a moment, you know?"

"Well, don't baby," she said, ignoring the fact that someone might overhear us, staring into my eyes. "Do this for yourself, okay? Do it to prove how fucking good you are, to James, to Dad, to all of these fuckers."

"Yeah... yeah, you're right, babe," I replied hoping to draw a line under things before they got out of hand. "We've both invested too much into this for me not to give it my best shot."

"That's the spirit, get out there and kick ass," she said putting her hand on my arm and squeezing gently. "Look, I need to be somewhere, but I'll come and see you before you go out?"

"You're going?" I asked a little surprised and disappointed, knowing that I was unlikely to be allowed into the boys club in the corner.

"Yeah, I've kind of got to," she said pouting. "Dad and Richie have promised that we'll meet a couple of prospective clients for drinks, we're planning to watch the combat event from one of the tents, they've put up some screens so we can see all the action."

"Oh," I said slightly deflated, "I thought you might have, you know..."

"Don't be silly, of course I'll be there, I said I'll come down and watch you. I've already told everyone I was coming down to the front to cheer you on. A girl has to be seen supporting her big brave CPO, you know?"

"Glad to hear that's the main reason for wanting to support me."

"Oh shush, you know it's not. Look, I really do need to go. I'll be over as soon as I hear your name called, okay?" I nodded and smiled. "Good," she said squeezing my arm, "now no more silly thoughts, okay? You deserve to win this as much as James, you're fucking awesome, you know?"

"Yeah, thanks, Bec," I said, spotting James looking over at the two of us. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Course you will, wouldn't miss it for the world. Look, I wont be long, ok? I lo..." she started to say the word and I cut her off quickly with a warning look. 

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