Chapter 13

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cover photo: Sarge's ex Amanda Jensen


"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" I shouted, as her green eyes regarded me impassively.

After seeing Amanda appear on the screen, I'd silently freaked out, trying desperately not to let it show, livid that she would think of turning up here to worm her way back into my life. She'd been quickly escorted to the conference room. I was anxious to keep her away from the press before she could spread any more lies about us.

"What does it look like, babe? You didn't return my calls so I came here to see you in person."

"Don't fucking call me that, Amanda. How the fuck did you find out I was here?"

"It was a guess, babe, but it doesn't take a genius to work it out. Your office said you weren't there and you're all over the TV linked to this place, so I took a chance. I saw the press outside and made a bit of a fuss about who I was and blagged my way in here past the front desk."

"Blagged your way in!" I yelled my anger at her calm demeanor pretty much consuming me, "you told the fucking press that I was your fucking girlfriend Amanda, what the fuck was that all about?"

"I wanted to see you, needs must and all that. Besides, I am your girlfriend, or at least I was."

"Fuck you, Amanda. Girlfriend? You're not my fucking girlfriend, you fucking walked away from me remember? You were the one who fucking ended us because you couldn't accept me for who I am. Why don't you just fuck off and leave me alone; or should I just say 'stay the fuck out of my life'?"

I threw her last words to me straight back at her, feeling the rage pulsing through my body as I remembered how it had gone.

"I'm a different person now, Amanda," trying to restart calmly, "nearly dying in the desert made me see things very clearly and living on the streets after the army kicked me out made me re-evaluate my life. I don't want this and I don't want you. Just go... it was nice to see you again, but please... just leave me alone."

Her eyes flicked over my shoulder to the petite brunette that I knew had entered through the double doors, clearing her throat as she did so to attract our attention.

"Sorry to interrupt," Miss Amstrong said without a hint of apology in her voice. "Freen, Dad wants to celebrate the deal we won today. Are you ready to leave or do you need a few more minutes with Miss Jensen here?"

Amanda glared at her for the interruption; hatred flashing across her eyes, another unhappy reminder of the worst times together; her petty, unjustified jealousy of anyone that I knew that she didn't.

"No, I think I'm done here." I replied, not taking my eyes off my ex. "I don't think Amanda and I have anything else to say to each another, not anymore."

"Fine, I'll go and get my things. Meet you in my office?"


"Miss Jensen," she said, turning her face to regard Amanda, her voice as cold and bitchy.

"I'll have my PA Bonnie here escort you to the lifts. Please don't take this personally, but Armstrong Industries would appreciate it if you didn't come back in the near future. We do not appreciate our business being disturbed, especially by someone who brings the press to our doorstep without prior approval. If you wish to see Freen again, I suggest you do it on your own time, or arrange it through the proper channels; either through her company or through me. Do I make myself clear?"

Amanda looked at the girl that was glaring back at her and damn if she didn't back down and nod simply. I was expecting an explosion but all I got was a fizzle. Rebecca Armstrong had cowed the evil ex-girlfriend, and she'd done it better than I ever could; without one raised voice or one harsh word.

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