Chapter 12

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The afternoon meeting was an interesting event. It was interesting to see Miss Armstrong in a full-on hard-faced bitch mode. I watched as she buried herself in the cut and thrust of the negotiations. I couldn't help but admire her ability to keep things in her head and stand her ground, she really was impressive in action.

It was like watching a well-executed military campaign. She was fierce, fearless and totally fucking ruthless; and I was slightly ashamed to find myself thinking it was hot as hell.

'You can't think like that Freen, professional remember?'

Yeah right, like it's ever that easy.

Finally, the meeting ended with smiles and handshakes all around. As the Indian delegation were ushered away, she slumped down in her chair visibly drained.

"Thank fuck for that, got them." she exclaimed, exhaustion evident in her voice.

I stood impassively at the back of the room, not wanting to comment at her presumably rhetorical words.

Her amusement didn't last long as the door to the conference room was flung open and her brother swaggered in with James.

"Miss Sarocha, would you mind stepping outside for a second? I need a quick word with my brother."

I looked across and nodded, "I'll be waiting outside when you're ready to go, Miss Armstrong." I said and left the room. 'Rebecca the bitch-queen' was about to let her mouth run over. With the way Richie had been behaving, I expected this to be a violent struggle.

As I stepped through the door, I saw James approaching, a happy spring to his step.

"Freen!" he shouted as he saw me.

I held out my hand and stopped him from entering the room, "I'd give them a second or two, boss, I think the room is about to blow."

"What, Rebecca? She's as sweet as pie, Freen;  wouldn't hurt a fly. Richie, on the other hand, he's a real handful when he wants to be."

He's obviously not met the 'other' Rebecca Armstrong. Well, he'd learn soon enough what she was like.

We stood by the doorway and waited, and sure enough, it wasn't long before we heard the sound of raised voices through the heavy wooden doors.

"Fuck's sake Becky, it's my fucking job to exploit situations like this, we're going to be on national TV, do you know how valuable that is?"

"Fuck you, Richie, this is my fucking life you're fucking with."

"Don't be so melodramatic; you're as bad as that Freen. You were never in any danger,
they were fucking journalists."

"How the fuck do you know that? How the fuck do you know that for sure? How the fuck do you know someone wasn't listening in, or that your fucking journalist mates wouldn't sell me out or something... you just don't fucking care about me, do you?"

"Of course I care, you're my fucking sister!"

"You don't do a very good job of fucking showing it, Richie!"

The voices lowered for a second and James and I exchanged glances.

"Feisty," he said grinning and nodding at the door.

"Yeah, thanks for landing me with her James, I so appreciate it. This little protection job has been the highlight of my life so far. Today and tomorrow are going to be just awesome."

"You love it, Blondie. Besides, Rebecca is quite a sight. I bet you've not protected anyone that pretty before, you can't tell me that you're not enjoying it."

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