Chapter 40

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We met up with the others in the reception area, Richie being noticeable by his absence; both James and Becky looking at their watches as they paced back and forth across the carpeted floor impatiently as we stood waiting for our car and Richie.

"Where the fuck is he?" Becky said finally, as it became patently obvious her brother wasn't going to appear any time soon; our deadline for leaving having well and truly been and gone. Within moments, I was on the courtesy phone to his room, listening to the phone ring out as she ranted about his brother's behavior.

"He said he won't come, Becky," I said softly, placing my hand on her shoulder, "and you know we don't have time for this. Do you really need him for the meeting anyway?"

"That's not the fucking point."

"I know, babe," I said soothingly, trying to calm her and stop her making any more of a scene; she was already getting angry looks from the team on reception. "But you're used to it, aren't you? You don't need him. He'd just be a liability; you've said it a dozen times."

"That's still not the point, Freenky," she said quietly, "he's supposed to be helping me here, it's not a fucking holiday we're on."

"I get that Bec, but you know what he's like. You've always known, why is it such a big deal today?"

"Because what happens today could be the biggest thing to happen to Armstrong Industries, babe; because my deal last month was a start, it was an 'in' to the big time."

"Big time?"

"Yeah, big time. Major league stuff. I've been working on this deal for the last year and a half. The deal with the Border Security Force, that was the prelude. I'm trying to get a supply deal with the whole fucking Indian Army."

"Jesus, Becky," I said utterly flabbergasted.

"Yeah, it's pretty exciting. A deal like this could put Dad right on top of the map, business-wise. Might even give me a chance to get the fuck out of this shitty fucking industry. If Dad had that kind of deal behind him, he'll be made for life, and then hopefully, I can leave and do something I want to do."

"That's great, Bec," I said without meaning it, a ball forming in the pit of my stomach. 

I caught James' eye as I led Becky out of the hotel and into the waiting people carrier; he looked at me quizzically and I tilted my head. After closing the door, I followed James around the back of the car, using the opportunity to grab a quick word.

"We need to talk Boss," I hissed as we rounded the car. He didn't say a word, merely raising his eyebrow and nodding; opening the side door for me. As I slipped into the back seat with Becky, I could feel the pressure, and I longed for a chance to talk it out.


"So what's up, Blondie?" James said chewing on a snack bar he'd bought from a vending machine. I'd escorted Becky to her meeting room, checking the place was safe and secure before nodding professionally at her and her guests, leaving and closing the door behind me. Taking up my usual position guarding the doorway.

"Did you hear anything this morning?"

"Well, apart from you and Becky having a domestic, nothing my dear." His grin practically bisecting his face. "Glad you took my advice, Freen. I very much doubt you'll regret it."

"How the fuck do you know anything about me and Becky?" I said, forgetting momentarily about the pressing matter at hand. 

I realized my mistake as his grin broadened into a genuine smile, "So, I was right then? Glad to know my inquisitive skills are still sharp."

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