⛓Ch. 16: His Biggest Mistake

Start from the beginning

"Here!" Jin shuts the car off.

We all tumble out and I take in a deep ass breath of fresh air, spot the author sitting on a bench outside the diner clad in a uniform smoking a joint, and give her the middle finger.

"You're just stoned and horny, stick to the script!" I mumble to her through gritted teeth.

The author sighs, nods sadly, and gets back to writing the original plot for this chapter, "You've got it, boss." She salutes me as she should.

We enter, looking around for Jimin who'd meet us here and low and behold, he's sitting at a corner booth nervously picking at his cuticles. Jungkook takes my hand 🤨🤨🤨 in his own and leads us through the others so that we can lead the way. I guess he had the same idea as me since Jimin would be more comfortable if the two he knew the most sat next to him, he does seem to be pretty shy.

"Hello, Jimin!" I wave and Jungkook grins at him as Jimin smiles cutely and waves with both hands.

"Y/n! Jk!" He greets and looks towards the others, "Ah, Namjoon and Jin, hello! It's nice to see you two." He looks behind them to the last, very shy, boy.

His eyes light up, "I like your sweater!"

Hoseok's eyes flick up towards the boy, almost asking 'are you taking to me?' and as he does the biggest smile plants itself on his cute face.

"Yours, too!" Hoseok chuckles, the both of them clad in dark pants and the same exact black and white striped sweater.

We all take a seat - I on Jimin's right side, Jungkook on his left and across the table is Jin in front of me, Hoseok in front of Jimin, and Namjoon in front of Jungkook.

"Do you shop a lot from there? The little boutique on the corner of- "

"Yes! I actually work there!" Hoseok cuts his question off and they dive into happy conversation as if the rest of us aren't here and we're all so happy to see two shy ass people become friends finally.

The waitress brings over some waters while everyone looks through the menu, nearly everyone wanting pancakes.

"Speaking of pancakes", Namjoon sets his menu down, "Jin makes the best kind. From scratch, too." He grins at his friend.

"Really?" My eyes light up, "Do you cook a lot?"

Jin grins with the cutest expression ever and nods, "I want to be a chef! I go to college for food and nutrition but work on actually being a cook at home, was cheaper than culinary school."

I smile in delight, "That's actually very interesting, Jin! You'll have to cook for me sometime, I love cooking as well... in my free time that is."

"Which is like... never when you have as much homework as this school gives us." Hoseok chuckles and we all nod with pained smiles, knowingly.

"Yeah, I am pretty busy but maybe we can all hang out at the end of finals or on a weekend and I can cook for us all! That is unless you'd rather it just be you and I." Jin smiles so, so sweetly to me while his leg kicks out to rub up against my own under the table.

I breathe in quick, a shiver running up my spine, and he places his chin on his palm, his elbow propped up on top of the table.

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