chapter 8

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Alix’s POV
I forced Zeno to go to his sister and it hurt me to do it but I had to. I couldn’t let him lose his sister. I would be destroyed if my brother chose his friend over me, it would kill me. So I had to do what I did. His love for me is strong enough to go on even if he couldn’t be around me, I knew that for sure. Even though I knew his love for his sister was much stronger than any love he could have for me I still had to do it.

“Why?” Julie said running into my room “why did you make him leave?”
“Because you need him more than I do, I got my friends I got my brother” I coughed
“But her loves you, your lucky” She cried “you got him to love you more than a friend and I could never do that, he only thinks of me as a sister.” Wait did she love him more than a friend, more than a brother? I thought
“Stop it just stop” I cried “he loves you more than me! A brother sister love is stronger than any other type of love.”
“How do you know that!” She yelled
“Because my brother and I have the same type of love you and Zeno have” i said with a smile “my brother loves me more than anyone, he would die for me, and Zeno would die for you.”
“Yeah I would die for you Julie, no matter what that how much I love you” Zeno said behind her. She wasn’t speaking, but I saw her crying. I sat up and started coughing, I could barely breathe. I used my arm to sit up, I could feel my legs just a little bit but I couldn’t move them. Then all of a sudden Julie ran up to me and hugged me.
“I’m so sorry Alix” She cried “I’m sorry for everything I did to you.”
“It’s okay Julie” I  said “don’t worry about it.” I was trying not to cry, but I started crying because of the pain I was in. Then Julie got up and walked up to her brother and whispered something and she left. Zeno looked at me and he was crying. He fell to the ground crying. I instantly got up and ran to him, I fell down besides him and hugged him.
“You walked” he said between his tears “you did it Alix.” I did, I walked without thinking. But now I was in too much pain. It was unimaginable, I’ve never felt any pain like it. Feeling was coming back to my legs, but in a very painful way.
“Yeah I did it” I said.
“You okay, you look like your in pain” he said.
“I am in pain, so much of it and it hurts so much” I cried. Zeno picked me up and carried me back to my hospital bed, Zero was sleeping at the end of the bed.
“I’ll go get a doctor” he said walking out of the room. I grabbed Zero’s leash and put it on him and hooked Zero to my bed so he can’t leave my room.

“Miss, did you walk?” The doctor asked.
“Yes I did” I answered.
“Can you feel when I touch your foot with my pen?” He asked
“Kind of. It’s a faint touch” I answered.
“Okay try to move your foot” he said. I moved my foot a bit, and the doctor looked surprised.
“You will have to use a wheelchair for a while, but if everything goes well you can be released by this evening” he said. I was the happiest I’ve ever been. I could leave soon. As long as nothing goes wrong. After the doctor left Zeno walked over to me and asked me some questions.
“So do you wanna go to your house or stay at mine until your brother gets back?” He asked.
“Mine, but you would have to stay there too wouldn’t you?” I asked.
“Yeah I would, but I’ll text your brother to see if he’ll be okay with it.” He said, he texted my brother and then we waited for the doctor to come back.

   The doctor did some scans and did some blood work. I gotta admit it hurt when he took my blood. He took like 10 tubes of my blood. Then he checked for anything else that could hurt me.
“You seem to be clear, but a nurse will be coming to check on you 3 times a week for a few months, but other than that you can leave” the doctor said, then handed papers to Zeno for him to sign. After Zeno signed them, he packed my things up and we left. I had to use a wheelchair, because walking hurt me way to much.
“What do you want for dinner?” Zeno asked me.
“Uhh, salad and uhh” I couldn’t remember what else I wanted
“Salad and steak” Zeno said. I shook my head yes.

   I was eating my food when I got a text from Max. It’s been a long time since we last talked.
Hey, how are you I heard you got out of the hospital Max texted.
I’m gonna, I can walk a bit but it hurts way to much but how are you i haven’t heard from you for months I texted him back.
I’m good, I’ll be at your house at the end of this week to bring you and Zeno our class work he texted.
Okay, see you on Friday I texted him.
“So who were you texting?” Zeno asked.
“I was just texting Max” I said with a smirk “you look a little jealous.”
“I am not” he said covering his face.
“You totally are jealous” I said laughing. Zeno started laughing too.
   The days went by pretty fast, Max came over and took Zeno’s and my work and gave us new work, Julie came over and cooked some food for Zeno and me, Lucas called me once or twice, and Ella came over, and the doctor came by. Zeno and I got closer and we were closer as friends, and I’ve grown to love Zeno more than a friend, and I think he loves me more than a friend too, I’m not sure.

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