chapter 3

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DON’T CARE IF YOU ARE HIS GIRLFRIEND! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!” She yelled. I didn’t say anything, I was in too much pain. She walked up too me and looked me in my eyes “girls I think we should teach her a lesson, right girls” and as she said that girls walked in.  

“Yeah we should” the other two said. Julie grabbed me by the front of my shirt and slammed me into the wall. One girl grabbed my left arm and held me against the wall, the other did the same with the right arm. Julie punched me in the gut multiple times. Blood dripped out of my mouth. Then the other two girls pulled me off the wall, then slamming me back into the wall. Julie started punching the crap outta me.

“Now little girl” she said “watch what you say about me!”

I laughed and smiled “okay, but I’m still prettier than you, Lucas said it.” After I said that she left and the other girls followed her. I stayed on the bathroom floor with blood dripping out of my mouth. I was in to much pain to try to stand up. I could see the blood on the floor and there was a lot of it. A few minutes later a girl walked in and looked horrified.

“Oh my god what happened to you?” She cried

“Oh Julie and her friends got mad at me for dating Lucas, and I kind of told her that Lucas said I was prettier than her” I laughed and blood came out of my mouth.

“I’ve known her for so long, you shouldn’t make her mad” the girl said cleaning the blood off of me.

“You don’t have to do this” I said standing up.

“Well I just want too” she said handing me another uniform. I went and put it on then me and her sat on the bathroom floor and talked for a long time.

“Well I’m gonna go” I waved at her “bye Ella.” Then I left.

  I walked into the gym and sat by Max, Wyatt, and Alex. Lucas looked at me the looked back at his friends, then he looked back and basically ran over to me. “This isn’t your uniform is it?” He questioned.

“No it is not, a friend gave it to me” I answered.

“Why did she give it too you? What happened?” He looked worried. I saw Julie watching me and Lucas, and wow did she look mad. I decided to tell him everything, he looked mad at first then he chuckled a bit.

“So you told her that I said you were prettier than her, wow” he started laughing, so did Alex and Wyatt. Then Max and Lucas looked at each other, both looked equally mad. “Calm down I’m fine, I ain’t dying, not yet” I smiled.  

“Well she ain’t gonna get away with it” Lucas said and Max agreed with him.

“Don’t do anything about it! I’m okay, it’s in the past” I tried to calm them down, but it didn’t do anything. Lucas and Max both got up and walked towards Julie.

“MAX! LUCAS! STOP PLEASE!” I yelled at them “IM FINE! IM NOT THAT HURT!” But they wouldn’t stop, they wouldn’t listen. So I gave up.

    In home room I wouldn’t talk to Max. He knew I was mad. He knew not to bother me. So he stayed away from me while i was sitting in a desk trying not to cry.  

“JULIE!” Lucas yelled at her.

“Yes Lucas, you miss me?” She smiled at Max.

“Why did you hurt Alix?” Max quietly yelled.

“She made me mad, and offended me” she explained.

“It didn’t give you the right to beat the crap outta her” Lucas said angrily.

“So what?! You gonna take that ugly looking girl’s side and not mine!” She started to get mad.

“Well yes I am!” He yelled “she is my girlfriend and I love her!”

“I’ll believe that when pigs fly” she laughed with her friends. Max walked up to Julie and looked her in her eyes “if you ever I MEAN EVER touch Alix ever again, you will be sorry and I mean it!”  

“Whatever, child” she sighed and left.

“ALIX” I hear a guy yelled which snapped me out of it.

“Huh?” I said confused.

“Come on we have first period together” it was Lucas talking. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up and took me to math class. When we got to math I was dazed out, I wasn’t listening to anyone. I couldn’t focus on anything either. “Alix, babe you okay?” Lucas asked me.

“Yes I am okay Lucas” I said, even though it was a lie.

“Your lying, aren’t you?” He said, he always knew when I was lying.

“Okay, I’m not okay” he fell silent.

“Are you still mad at me and Max?” He asked, and of course I was still mad. I asked them not to do anything, I told them I was fine; but no they couldn’t listen they went and threatened her, I mean I’m glad I have people on my side but still I didn’t want them to do it.

“Yes I am still mad!” I answered him “I told you to leave Julie alone but you can’t ever listen to me!”

“Alix..I’m sorry” he looked sad “but she hurt you, and that hurt me.”

“It’s okay, just listen to me when I tell you to leave someone alone, deal?” I asked him.

“Okay deal” he said pulling me into a hug.

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